
Any character can learn to use thieves tools if the learn the Skilled feat.

They haven’t released all of the origins characters yet. Druids, Bards, Paladins and Rangers can all learn Cure Wounds, so Shadowheart wont be the only healer option in the full game.

Unless I've missed an update, there seemed to be some question whether feats would be implemented, but it's good to know there is at least one other option.

I'd actually be surprised if there were many more origin characters just due to space constraints on the Nautiloid. There's no law requiring that all party members be tadpoled, mind, so not every part member has to be an origin character.

People talking about how they didn't switch parties much in BG I or II (and like most of you I was the same except when a quest required someone specific) have a point, but I'm not sure the comparison is completely apt - here we have a 4 person party, not 6, and in BG I and II there were multiple companions available to fill any role. You could build a team that you could stick with for the duration. It remains to be seen how true this will be here. I know I'm going to spend EA doing a "no rogue run" and "no cleric run" just to see how painful an experience each is.