Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
I always get Chaotic Good on those tests. Down with the king! He deserved far worse than the poison I slipped in his chalice . . .

And @Commodore_Tyrs got it right. D&D without alignment is Abbot with Costello, berries without cream. It's just something other than D&D. And yeah, I know this this coming from WotC but, well, they are rong. Rong! They tried to eliminate alignment in 4th ed and were forced to bring it back due to pressure from fans.

The tension in Keldorn's story doesn't make sense without alignment. When his wife has an affair Keldorn doesn't have a Lawful Good response. He is forced to choose between Lawful Neutral / Lawful Evil response of taking his wife to courts and letting her be hanged for her crime or the the Neutral / Chaotic Good path of first seeking vengeance and finding his way to self reflection, forgiveness and gratitude. For a neutral good character there's no tension at all but for someone whose spiritual powers and very identity hinge on upholding both the Law and the Good this is true dilemma -- he is forced to choose between one or the other. May Torm forgive him his choice.

And "no alignment" is just a trend right now -- Game of Thrones has more of a pull on people's imagination than does the Fellowship of the Ring and/or the Elric Saga. But but D&D wasn't built on the ideology of realpolitik -- it's its own thing with its own history.

I'm excited to play the game but I plan on letting Larian and WotC know that they need to include alignment in the final release.

I don't even necessarily need it overtly placed with big brackets next to dialog choices. I really do like walking down specific paths and generally, dialog choices in games either don't have the variety necessary to make alignments work properly, or the interpretation of an alignment is just off entirely. I'm hoping for some nuance that has a discernible impact.

I don't want to fall to bits 'cos of excess existential thought.