Originally Posted by Tzelanit
Originally Posted by sethmage

Originally Posted by Hawke

Losing party after act 1 was hated by everyone in DOS2 and no other RPG ever did it because it means the player loses the choice to build the right party for each encounter, meaning the game losing depth!

again, who are you to speak for everyone?

Since the original point is being raised again and I've already touched on the fact that I was fine with the character limitation, I have to chime in again to agree and say that there's no loss of depth.
In fact, that may provide more depth because it's pushing you to become more familiar with each character's skillsets depending on their builds since everything has a greater significance with 4 people than it does with 6, and in the case of the VERY popular Lone Wolf playthroughs with either 1 or 2 characters, the game gets even deeper because you can't just hang back and mash keys arbitrarily depending on what's not on cooldown because every single action matters.

Although generalizations are annoying and I don't generally nitpick them, generalizations are particularly awful when what's being stated is objectively false.

There is absolutely nothing objective about any of this. This is entirely subjective personal opinion. And your personal opinion is no better than or superior to my or anyone else's personal opinion. And in my opinion, which I have every right to voice here in the hope that Larian will hear me given that this issue badly hurts my game experience, losing all the out-of-party companions after Act 1 is horrible game design.