Yes, and you are also assuming that you will have all the companions in Ch1, not the only 5 we already have.

Originally Posted by mrfuji3
Originally Posted by _Vic_
Well, there are only five companions and you could be one of them ( If you are an Origin character) So you can save three or four and only one or two are left behind in the end.

In the full release there will be 9+ companions. So we would have to leave behind most of them, not just one or two.

Originally Posted by _Vic_
Personal tastes aside, that is the same already done in many games, the two already mentioned, the first POE where Calisca dies in the prelude, the two Grey warden recruit companions that die in DaO and daO: Awakening, Thrask the soldier that cannot escape the Endar Spire in Kotor with you, etc etc etc.

I'm sorry, but you can't compare the two Grey Warden recruits to BG3 Origin companions. The wardens are forced upon you, will always die, are only there for a single mission, and you can't meaningfully interact with them. *Most importantly, the death of these recruits does not limit the other companions you can collect throughout the game.

Yeaaah... that´s what I said that In those games you lose them for good, in BG3 it seems you can recruit your lost companions in another playthroughs even if they are left behind, they will be ful-fledged companions, something I find appealing. That´s in, you know, the part of my post you did not quoted.
I am assuming you are going to lose some companions because they told us so. I´m glad you can recruit them when you replay the game. It gives the same vibe when In the first Mass Effect game you can decide to save Kaiden or Ashley and you play with the one you save the rest of the game (and in Me3) but you can replay the game and save the other nonetheless.

Last edited by _Vic_; 01/10/20 04:46 PM.