Originally Posted by tsundokugames
Originally Posted by Nyanko
Originally Posted by tsundokugames
I find it problematic how Larian doesn't want people comparing this to DOS2, and yet all they show us are the same limitations and failures that DOS2 brought.

You might want to rephrase it a little. Because it's kind of going overboard to call a game considered one of the best CRPGs ever made as full of limitations and failures. Many developers would love their failures to sell so well.

You're asking me to change my opinion because of peer pressure?

lol. no. It's on the game to change my mind. I am not a sheep.

DOS and DOS2 being regarded as "one of the best" is kind of meaningless to me because they were released in the age of hype based reviews. You can see it in the way certain posters here are completely rejecting any sort of rational discussions. Those types of players will rate the game 10/10 regardless of any flaws. You can see it in the way that reviewers fawn over things in pre-release reviews and interviews. Those kinds of reviews are biased and meaningless.

Despite popular opinion, there are numerous flaws in both games, and I consider the restricted parties and act based maps to be among those failures.

Carrying those specific mechanical limitations over to BG3 is just another indication that this game isn't going to be one I enjoy.

But, I have to play the game first to finalize that opinion.

Pretty sure they were just implying that you're exaggerating for effect because you're in a niche minority of people who didn't see the entire game overall as a resounding success.
And the things that you're considering to be glaring flaws are generally viewed by the overwhelming majority as strengths.
Buy the game, play it for about two hours. Refund it if it's not your thing, or keep playing if it is.

You're being dramatic and hypercritical of a game that single-handedly revived a dead genre and thrust it into the mainstream.
Hell, you wouldn't even be able to make this argument right now if it wasn't for that "failure" that you're condemning, because Baldur's Gate III wouldn't even exist without the success of Divinity: Original Sin 2.
If being objective and reasonable makes me a conformist sheep, then baaaa I guess.

I don't want to fall to bits 'cos of excess existential thought.