Originally Posted by spacehamster95
Hi Guys,

Have you noticed that in the latest update on character creation, Patron Deities and Domains are not tied together for Clerics.

I mean in RAW, certain gods only have access to certain portfolios hence only grant certain domains but in the update it seemed you can combine anything with everything (Myrkul cleric of Life Domain).

I am not sure I like that. It can create fun combos but I think I prefer the canon Gods-Domains restrictions. That could be just me, though.

What do you think?

By RAW Life Domain is unique in that any deity can grant the Life Domain, even if it's not one of the deities domains. It's because Life Domain is the default domain for clerics and the only domain in the SRD, so its not governed by the usual Domain restrictions.

Although for FR AL now ignores Domain restrictions entirely, mostly likely because WotC doesn't always remember to publish a God's Domains when they appear in a book.