Originally Posted by Stabbey

Even if I could show you many rule changes that I, personally, think are improvements, fun is subjective, and you enjoy such things as missing 27 times in a row. Your blanket statement indicates that you're not likely to be persuaded anyway, no matter what I say.

Low DEX low level sorcerer on ToEE missed a lot when he ran out of spell slots. My other party members din't missed a lot.

But before you said that rule changes was good and necessary, now that are subjective. After the official EA launch, I will wait few days to see how the rules are implemented. Then I decide between purchasing early or waiting for modders to make the game more P&P like. Low Magic Age stayed a long time in my wishlist before they announced that they will give the option ot use vancian magical system instead of cooldowns. If Larian decided to ruin spells like animate dead and animate objects, I will just wait until modders fixes those spells to buy the game.