Well, considering how few companions there are available, you'd only be losing two, and that is if you're playing a custom character. Simple enough for me.
It's just five only in EA. Apparently there will be more companions added later. The bottom line, though, is that we stand to lose all companions not in our current active party at the end of Act 1.
I’m not sure anything will help you enjoy the game at this point going by your previous posts.
I don't at all accept that Larian should not try to bring me on board as a customer. Yeah I don't care for the D:OS games and therefore anything like what was in those games, but I am a passionate fan of both the original BG games and of the Forgotten Realms. So I should be someone to whom Larian wants to sell this game. Furthermore, I have said repeatedly that although there is very little chance I will want to play this game when it is first released, it may be something I am willing to try later on when it is at a much lower price and more importantly if mods have become available that fix some of the more glaring flaws I see in the game, such as mods to increase party size to six and to allow us to keep our inactive companions beyond Act 1.
Having to make a choice of party members & having to stick with them through an entire adventure is a deal breaker - seriously??
I thought you were d&d fans - well a good number anyway - choose a character, join a party, go-adventuring & become godlike or die trying....that’s the way it works ain’t it?
Yeah that is how it works ... in a pnp game with a bunch of people around a table. But this is a video game and NOT a TT game. And in a PARTY-BASED video game being played single-player, a core element of the fun of such games is to be able to play around with your party composition and to have the widest possible array of interactions with your companions.
I should even try Kanisatha’s melee only war party at some point !
I actually have two custom “Kanisatha inspired parties” planned.
All melee and no magic is too much for me, so I’m splitting it between:
One will be almost no magic and mostly melee. Human fighter, human barbarian, high elf ranger (a tiny bit of magic there) and a halfling rogue. A simple, no frills, straight-forward group of bad ass normals.
The other party will be some magic (a cleric and a paladin) but all melee. A Drow raiding party with all 4 multiclassed into assassins and melee weapons only.
Heh. Good hunting, guys.

But just to note, I always do include a couple of missile-weapon types in my parties to tackle those pesky enemies that are beyond melee reach. For example, Ekun in P:Km is seriously badass at putting up huge damage numbers once he's fully fleshed-out and has an awesome longbow equipped. Also, I do include a couple of magic-users (perhaps multi-classed) in my parties for the purposes of healing and removing nasty permanent debuffs the enemy might have placed on my characters.