Hi everyone, I'm a new user and it's my first time posting here. I've finished DOS2 and it's my pick for best CRPG ever. So naturally, I bought BG3 because of larian studio and I heard lots of praise for BG series(never played 1 and 2 though.).

But something weird is happening in my game.
My spec: i7-8750H CPU 2.2ghz
GTX 1060 card with 6GB graphic memory(driver updated)
windows 10

I can run similar graphic games like DOS2 , witcher 3 , Metro exodus, or assassins creed odyssey(graphic wise, BG3 is not that groundbreaking) smoothly with 60+ fps. But this game... After I passed main menu with 60 fps, as soon as I drop in the game. I suddenly become less than 20 fps, literally. I enabled steam fps trackers so I know it's true. During normal phase like walking around and open menu is around 20 fps, during battle or with lots of elementals like fire, 15 fps, during dialog conversation cutscene, single digit frame around 8-9 fps. Later it reach to the point that when I click somewhere for my character to go, I have to wait 1 second for my screen to register so my character can move. Because other than this problem the game is good, I endured 6 hours of this madness and the situation is not improving...

I know it's an early access game, but this performance issue is making me question if my pc have huge problems like memory leak, or it's just the game not optimized at all. My setting is put everything in mid with 1080p. But weird thing is I changed the setting to high, and very low, and get exact same fps....... Idk what happened here. I already tried open the game by dx11, still not improving.

I make this post just want to make sure that I'm not the only one have this huge fps issues. Because if I'm the only one that suffer this huge fps drops, I may need to take my pc to check if anything major happened to it, or I just need to wait for next hotfix. Thanks.

PS: Other than fps issues, I don't have any other bugs like crash, I didn't have crash on this game.

Last edited by 519061367; 07/10/20 06:55 AM.