Originally Posted by porrage
Played a bit longer, and yeah the surface effects are driving me crazy. This absolutely doesn't feel like playing Baldur's Gate/D&D at all. Everything about the combat feels like I'm playing a mod that one guy made for DOS2.

I used Acid Splash on a group of enemies and then sent a melee character to fight. They got tagged with an "Acid" debuff that lowered their AC by 2. I actually exclaimed at my screen because that's.not.how.acid.splash.works. Furthermore, there is no Acid debuff in 5e that lowers your armor class by 2. I'm literally waffling between playing more or hitting the refund button on steam. I wanted Baldur's Gate/5e. If I wanted to play DOS2, I'd load that back up.

What he said! (or she)

Last edited by SUATTACK; 07/10/20 03:10 PM. Reason: Gender acceptance