Originally Posted by malks
I doubt the dice is just a random 1-20 roll and we don't have difficulty inplemented yet.

No, it really is. All difficulty settings will do is reduce enemy HP, take away crits, things like that. The core dice roller will always be completely random.

Back to the OP, I get your frustrations. I've never played a "pure" D&D experience. It always been customized to a moderate degree. For CRPGs that try to do D&D honestly I always cheat so I'm a couple levels ahead or have buffed stats just so I can withstand the variance more. I've gotten a lot of flak for that but it's still fun, still has tense moments, etc. It just isn't as save-scummy. If Larian doesn't want that here, all we can ask for is additional tools. However, the core D&D gameplay isn't going away. That'd be unrealistic given that Wizard's is a pretty close partner in this product.

Last edited by SacredWitness; 07/10/20 04:26 PM.