Originally Posted by Wormerine
Originally Posted by SUATTACK

2) Camera/character movement clunky
- I am trying to move the camera around to get the best look and it is all over the place. Completely removes me from the experience. I would LOVE to have the ability to have the camera follow the character as I move them with the wsad keys. Then when combat occurs and initiative starts, be able to swap to a top down view. Even a grid option would be cool.

Considering how hard Sven was pushing the semi-3rd camera view, I am shocked they don't have anything of that sort already. PoE2:Deadfire's "smart camera" was rather neat - while it didn't have WASDa controls, it can "follow the coursor" option and it centered on your party which made for a very enjoyable exploration control scheme.

D:OS2 had "keep mouse buttom pressed and characters will keep walking", no?

"Realtime" moving with the controller does feel better than longclicking the destination with the mouse IMO. But, yes, I'm sure they might consider shoulder cam, first person view, and not least, photo mode. Damn, but I'd love me a photo mode.