I noticed quickly that the autofollow is about all there is implemented for moving with the whole group. They'll even do the basic climbing up and down ladders and vines. However, they won't auto jump so doing any kind of puzzle work or disconnected platforms means you need to "solve" the sequences upwards of 7 or 8 times if you've got a party full of familiars or pets. On pets, they don't climb automatically. At least, my quasit didn't. In fact, I noticed they weren't around and had to completely change my stealthy approach because they wouldn't "climb" a rock face. I assumed because it was flying so I tried to use it's fly (read: jump) action but the distance was too far apparently. Lastly, please give us formations and in those formations don't do things like auto-force the main character to "step up" to an obvious ambush ala cinematic. That's always super annoying.