I'm hoping to get some sort of megathread together where people can document issues that they're having specifically with performance.
I'm a bit concerned that although I'm right at about dead-center between the minimum and recommended specs that I'm getting performance for what would be considered "low" or "lowest" in other games with similar graphical demands.
I'm thinking maybe it could be set up something like this:
Specs: At or Around Minimum, Average, At or Around Recommended
Issues: Stuttering, Draw-In, Rubberbanding, General Framerate
I haven't heard much conversation about how much (if any) difficulty people are having with running the game, so I'm not sure if my issues are due to my hardware (which is just a few years old and would shock me if that's the issue) or if the problems are just part of the early access experience while optimization is being worked out.
You guys are great! Keep up the good work!