Glitches and bugs
  • A lot of graphical loading bugs, some textures/characters not fully loading in until well after the game has. Also tpose memes when loading up a save after launching the game.
  • Cutscenes/Convos not having animation/lip movement
  • Cutscenes/Convos/Combat/Attack camera being stuck inside a wall/object during scene
  • Character carry weight most of the time shows half of what it should be? Encumbrance only occurs at twice the max value (the correct value?) must be a ui bug since I'm assuming carry weight is STR*10 but it only shows STR*5 in the inventory menu as your max carry weight
  • You can not swap weapons if you are moused over an enemy in combat
  • Dunno if bug or feature but all movement and some actions are canceled if you mouse over an enemy in combat
  • Fighter Lv2 trait Great Weapon Fighting does not show up on character sheet
  • Warlock Lv2 Eldrich Invocation Agonizing Blast not showing up in character sheet or on Eldrich Blast tooltip (it is showing up correctly in the log however as a separate damage instance of the same attack roll). Tooltip for EB shows as 1d10 when it should show as 1d10+3
  • Enemies in crypt rag dolling incorrectly and stretching out in crazy ways through the terrain. (Seems to be a common reported problem possibly an issue with the terrain there or those npcs?)[Linked Image]Same bug also happened with Edowin's corpse[Linked Image]
  • You are able to sneak attack every single attack(only tested on Astarion)
  • I have no idea what causes it but sometimes in combat a character will get "frozen" unable to move or do any actions but most of the time you can fix it by having another character shove them. There was an instance fighting the imps at the island SE of the bog where Shadowheart was completely frozen when I entered her into combat by leaving sneak. Shoving her did not remove the frozen bug.
  • The combat encounter with the goblins that try to ambush you can be "broken" by sending in 1 character to agro them and having another sneak up to them in combat and back stabbing them. I had Astarion sneak attack them and instantly kill them but it did not enter him into combat so I was able to just go around and associate all the enemies before they could make a move. During that combat encounter all of the goblins were also yellow (not agro) to the rest of my party even though my main character was in combat with them.
  • Reactions feel very buggy/slow to activate and deactivate. Sometimes I have to click it 3 times to see the animation change.
  • I used Burning Hands in the owlbear nest and it created this black box texture that didnt go away until my character was downed.[Linked Image]
  • During the Barn fight with Buthir, if you attack from the hole above she will attempt to throw something at you which will just get stuck on the roof instead of hitting you[Linked Image]
  • Sometimes after becoming over encumbered if I walk by a companion they receive damage and agro me
  • You can talk to Pandirna in the locked storage room at the druid grove area through the wall my moving the camera inside and clicking on her. She will act like you broke in during the convo.

  • I feel like knowledge of dnd and experience with the divinity engine is a prereq to having a smooth playthrough currently. I have faith that as the game goes on in development the devs will improve on the tutorial experience but I really hope they dont default to bombarding the new player with tons of pop up boxes. I feel like that barrier to entry for dnd really puts off new players and hope it doesn't make its way into the game.
  • There should be an indicator for movement so you know how far you can move without losing enough speed to jump (perhaps color the portion of the movement bar required to do a jump green so once you've hit the green part of the bar you know you cant jump anymore)
  • Same spells/abilities with different levels or range(melee vs ranged sneak attack) should be nested under 1 button to save hotbar space
  • Allow us to bind attack, jump and other actions like that to a key or allow us to drag it on to the hotbar
  • Early game combat difficulty swings HEAVILY based on dice rolls, I understand this is how it is in dnd but gameplay wise it just doesn't feel great. I just have to quick load and redo the combat if the rolls arent in my favor or I get TPK'ed. This one is very much my own opinion but I feel like that part of the tabletop experience does not transfer over very well to the video game space.
  • Related to the above hit chance in game is (presumably) shown accurately. Perhaps showing a skewed percentage instead would be better? Its a game design/player psychology problem where when players see 90% chance to hit and they miss 3 times in a row it just feels like the game is lying. Some games even use a PRNG system where if you miss your next roll is slightly less likely to miss. I'm not sure if this is even a good idea as it would anger the hardcore tabletop fans but just something I wanted to bring up as rng has been a main frustration for me in these type of games. I guess this is more of a complaint on the dnd mechanic in general because how it is right now in game is very accurate. Missing that 75% chance hit in tabletop feels better because you have other players and the dm to share in with your pain and it adds to the suspense of the game but missing that attack in the video game just feels frustrating since you dont get that suspense after missing a vital attack as you just feel like you have to reload a save after a couple bad rolls.
  • I think there should be a shared carry weight. Since characters can "magic pockets" items even during combat from other characters I dont really see a reason why the extra inventory management should be in the game as it just slows you down and makes selling to traders more of a chore than it needs to be.
  • Shift click to sell/buy