A few other bugs:

- In the beginning when the woman transforms into a mind flayer in the pod, the mind flayer is not visible in the pod post transformation.

- The "Secret" waypoint leading to Harper's Cache in the first map after the crash just disappears.

- when you move the camera, you cannot move up floors.

- The camera sometimes gets stuck on terrain like trees.

- In the cutscene with the cleric in front of the monastery there are times you can see the cleric model twice

- The character's mouths don't move sometimes when starting conversations

- sometimes in fights there is a lull when enemies are taking their turns and nothing is happening (no movement, no talking, no actions.). Not sure what they are waiting for.

- In the owl bear cave in the first map, after climbing the wall towards the owlbear location, the character will sometimes clip into the terrain way above the stairs. They only way to get down is to jump down and take a bunch of damage.

- Some items don't get highlighted in the UI

- sometimes characters walk through fire instead of pathing around it.

- Some of the scenes just seem dead. The main character sometimes just stands there awkwardly. But I'm assuming this will be improved upon before release.