Joined: Sep 2017
Sometimes I can't see something even if it is right in front of me.
Is the options for changing difficulty settings in EA? If so, where?
Love and sausages xx
Joined: Oct 2020
No difficulty setting adjustments in EA, at least not yet.
Joined: Oct 2020
Was there an option for game difficulty? I love the story and dont mind a challenge, but im having a real hard time progressing at this rate I feel like its on hard or something. I played normal in DOS2 and was fine.
With the amount of enemies to player ratio I just get swarmed and destroyed, especially against archers. Feel like I need to save every 5 minutes and instead of exploring freely I try avoid everything. Sucks for two reasons, I miss story opportunity and XP. Anyone else have this feeling? Do I just suck at 5E?
Im a fighter drow, I have lae zel, shadowheart and gale in my party. Gale doesn't seem to do much damage, Shadow is good and lae zel does better than I do.
My rolls seem skewed to, I have yet to have successful rolls, my dialogue rolls are mostly fails. If I get a pass its almost something to celebrate for.
Joined: Oct 2020
So far i'm not having too much trouble in battles. Not that there are too easy, the right amount of difficulty i think. I'm a mage, and i have lae zel, shadowheart and gale in my party too. try mixing it up with different spells for gale when you level up.
My dialogue rolls are really bad, almost all of them below 5, but i have friends that get normal results.
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
Other difficulty options will come later: balancing everything properly takes a lot of time and feedback. I'm reminded somewhat of the balancing of DOS2 in the EA phase which tended towards being quite difficult. I feel your pain as I am neither much good at combat nor someone who is at all tactically-minded, so I've been pwned quite a lot; plus I'm also one of those people who tends towards a losing streak with dice-rolls, so I'm having to resort to a mixture of F5-before-dialogue and the "maybe I'll try again later" approach. Not very elegant, but at this stage it really is a case of whatever works.
J'aime le fromage.
Joined: Aug 2020
My dialogue rolls are really bad, almost all of them below 5, but i have friends that get normal results. You can always cast guidance to a character and then engage in dialogs, adds d4 to skill checks.
He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you.
AMD Ryzen 7700X, 64GB Ram, Rtx 3080 12GB, lg-34GK950F-B,Logitech Z906 Thx.
Joined: Oct 2020
I'm finding the game pretty much impossible to enjoy because of the difficulty.
I'm not sure what's going on, but I feel like I must have fallen behind, because I'm now at a stage where I can't progress. I'm Wizard 3, with Wyll, Shadowheart and Lae'zel also level 3. I've left the druid grove and cleared out the blighted village, and the caves underneath.
First I went north, killed some Gnolls on the road, then went to the Gnoll camp. I was outnumbered 2-1, and with the multiattacks, I was hit with 20 attacks per round at one point. I tried everything I could, but seeing them as level 4 I backed off. Pretty deflating, but I can admit to being under leveled to fight 8 level 4 mobs.
Next I was exploring and found the Riverside Teahouse. Didn't like how the story unfolded so decided to try the combat route. Prepped my party with lots of buffs at the start of the fight and beat the first enemy. Also level 4, but there was now only three of them. Soon as the second was in range, they did an attack of 31 damage (my highest HP is 28), next round, 29 damage. At this point I just turned the game off in sheer frustration.
Next, I load before that and follow towards the goblin camp. Ended up in combat at the gates. There are 7 of them, sleep put 2 down for only 1 round. By there second turn I get hit with a ton of attacks (most of my attacks miss in my second round) and despite bane on the enemy, then a fire bomb hits me and kills my healer and knocks most of the party to sub 10. I tried spacing my party better, but the game has really narrow play areas. So I reload. Again.
Outside of getting to a point of downing a potion every turn, I'm really not sure what to do here. I'm not enjoying the game at all, I'm being constantly punished everywhere I go.
Just getting that off my chest, but to the folks finding the game easy, can you talk us through your fights? I really hope I'm just missing something here, because I don't know what I don't know at this piont, and would love some tips on the fights I mentioned.
Joined: Aug 2020
Yeah, I'm not finding the game impossible for the most part but I'm getting through most combats by the skin of my teeth at this point.
Joined: Aug 2020
I was thinking it easier than I thought it would be, but I wonder, does that have to do with the 5e rules? I actually feel powerful as a level one character. Thats the exact opposite of BG 1 and 2 and the earlier D&D editions right? In the earlier D&D games the early levels are such a struggle. I like the change and know different levels of difficulty are coming but the classes feel more powerful and good job to whoever, Larian or WotC did it 
Joined: Oct 2020
I found the opening of the game fairly easy, except when I picked a fight with the gunnery crew and got one shot. The game punishes very hard for not doing exactly what you should be.
Joined: Feb 2020
Same here. I usually play games in "hard" difficulty because I like challenge and I don't mind doing the same battle 3 times or more... I'm absolutely not the greatest expert of D&D rules but I played BG1/2 many many times so everything is not new to me... But here I have to admit that sometimes it's hard, even during random encounters. SPOILER ALERT I.E I choose to kill all the goblins at the mill. I kill the leader so the fight stop but I choose to do it again and kill every single ennemies before him to have more XP. This combat was not impossible but hard. I think it would fit a normal difficulty but with 6 companions. Same in the goblin camp. Crusher want me to kiss his feet, I refuse, He fight me, I decide to kill him so the entire camp attacked me. The battle was hard because there were many many ennemies. Still not impossible if you use verticality but it's hard to fight during 1h against 30 goblins and not very "fun", especially with only 4 companions that need more than one turn to kill their opponent. Now I'm playing in the goblin dungeon and still decide to kill them all. It's still possible, I don't have to reload but it's hard. I usually have to rest after every battles. I really like it but I think it suit a normal difficulty for a party of 6  With only 4 it's sometimes really hard to manage dying companions and the combats are very very slow. I love those huge encounter so please, add more companions in party rather than removing ennemies 
Last edited by Maximuuus; 08/10/20 06:14 PM.
Joined: Mar 2019
This is something they are prepared to monitor and address as needed. As shown in pre-release, they have heat maps that show how often people are dying or not. So, if their maps show too much carnage, they’ll reduce the difficulty. I haven’t gotten very far yet, however. As easy as it has been so far, and as hard as it might get soon, I would be very hesitant to ease up on the challenge. We have months of time with only limited content. Let’s get a lot of mileage out of it.
Joined: Oct 2020
As I'm a giant nerd, I decided to do a simple math out of the goblin gate fight. Everyone is using basic attacks.
A Goblin is, on average this:
+3 to hit (Prof is +2, Mod (Dex/Str) is +1). Damage is, without abilities, 1d6+1 (Mod being the +1). Against my parties average AC of 14, they need to roll 11 to hit. Though with height, it can be as low as 7 to hit. So they have 45% chance to hit, with up to 65% to hit. But for the sake of simplicity, I left it at 45%.
The Klaw is : +5 to hit (Prof is +2, Mod (Str) is +3) Damage from bite is 4d4+3! Against the AC of 14, they need to roll 9 to hit. They won't get any height mod, so they have a 55% chance hit rate.
The fight has 5 Goblins, 2 Klaws (I know one is weaker here, but I'm condensing the information)
The damage range of the goblins are 2-7, the damage range for the Klaws is 7-19. Max theoretical damage is 73, my party has 88hp.
I pasted 45 results, on average there was 25 unsaved damage per turn, meaning at worst case, I can last for 3.5 turns.
The PC's are tricky to ascertain, as they aren't set up like mobs, so the damage can spike wildly, but the enemy party had 124hp.
There is backup that comes in the fight, but the battle is set up overwhelmingly in the enemies favour, and I had to do a lot of LoS breaking and hit and run tactics, and just had great luck that the big Klaw missed all of it's attacks. There are other things the goblins can do to boost their damage, but we'd be here all day.
Joined: Mar 2020
Difficulty settings obviously make sense, but I hope we'll be able to easily identify a setting which corresponds to the current difficulty. Im finding the challenge level to be about perfect, and it's given me some really fun, thrilling, surprisingly memorable fights. This is a magic element that really makes games fun.
So please, Larian, include an "original EA" difficulty setting when you adjust it!
Joined: Oct 2020
Though saying that, the very next fight (started at the urging of Wyll), my party took 74 damage from two AoE attacks before anyone on my team could activate :P
Last edited by Hunam; 08/10/20 08:08 PM.
Joined: Sep 2020
I love the challenge. Haven't had any reloads due to deaths yet, but there was one fight where it came close until I figured out a better strategy. I really hope that whatever this difficulty level is remains the standard difficulty and other options are implemented around it.
I don't want to fall to bits 'cos of excess existential thought.
Joined: Oct 2020
I love the challenge. Haven't had any reloads due to deaths yet, but there was one fight where it came close until I figured out a better strategy. I really hope that whatever this difficulty level is remains the standard difficulty and other options are implemented around it. I've been very vocal in this thread but I did really start with asking how people are getting through the fights. I'd love to know what you did for the goblin gate fight, if you found that challenging? Also how did you find the Gnoll camp or the true soul goblins. I do really think I'm missing something here.
Joined: Mar 2020
During the goblin gate fight -
Killed one gob on the ground, then I had Lae'zel climb up to melee a goblin archer on a high cliff rock thing, and I remembered Swen's pushes - so I pushed that archer all the way down. Then brought the other chars up and enjoyed the elevation as we ranged the rest. Targetted the warg first.
Joined: Oct 2020
I've been very vocal in this thread but I did really start with asking how people are getting through the fights. I'd love to know what you did for the goblin gate fight, if you found that challenging? Also how did you find the Gnoll camp or the true soul goblins.
I do really think I'm missing something here.
If you're a drow, you can just talk your way in: "Welcome your Drown-ness!" That said, I do find combat is too hard early on, every encounter could go either way for me. I did the fight on top of the chapel maybe 10 times and only won cleanly twice, having to resort to popping in and out of line of sight, then fighting in the doorway to finally beat the encounter. During some encounters, my squishies died before they could even move, which is not great gameplay. My F8 button is getting plenty of use, but at least the loading screens look nice.
Joined: Oct 2020
I love the challenge. Haven't had any reloads due to deaths yet, but there was one fight where it came close until I figured out a better strategy. I really hope that whatever this difficulty level is remains the standard difficulty and other options are implemented around it. I've been very vocal in this thread but I did really start with asking how people are getting through the fights. I'd love to know what you did for the goblin gate fight, if you found that challenging? Also how did you find the Gnoll camp or the true soul goblins. I do really think I'm missing something here. I used Grease and Fire Bolt near where the friendly NPCs were fighting, and painted a line with goblin blood that I froze with Ray of Frost and that prevented any of their melee from getting to my party. Oh and there's also the super exploitative approach - equip heavy armor on your characters at the end of their turns and take it off again at the start of their turns, pick up all the exploding barrels and spike and acid pods you see and then throw them at your enemy. Stay at range and hide after every attack so the enemy just stands there glossy-eyed. Basically, the game is too hard if you try to play it like DnD and too easy if you treat it as the poorly balanced farce it is.
Last edited by Deemer; 08/10/20 09:28 PM.