Originally Posted by Dark_Ansem
Originally Posted by Raybrand
I do prefer the combat in DOS 2. There are things about BG3 I like more but overall I feel martial characters are a little 1 dimensional with just attack, attack & attack. Also with spell casters we don't know what the gameplay consequences are for returning to camp to rest.

To combat this I'm hoping they implement more magic items that let you do more things in battle. (Like a swords and wands with charges that do things).

I understand this is how most D&D games are run early levels however I don't know if that simplicity translates well going from tabletop to video game.

So basically you hope they implement some core DnD items. Some pieces of equipment already grant you special spells.

Exactly this.

I like the core mechanics but your arsenal very limited, especially with the lower level cap. So I'm hoping they make it more of a high magic setting. Giving Boots of Speed, Dancing Sword, Mace of Terror, Illusionist's Bracers, Moonblade Wand of Fireballs, or just being able to craft spell scrolls. Theres a huge plethora of items that can affect your build and gameplay. A number of these items you usually won't find in tier 1~2 (levels 1~10) but I think it helps make combat more engaging in the video game version.