Originally Posted by Fester23
Now that's down to infantile insulting (and I mean really infantiel) - I don't give a sh** what you think. You've already proven yourself to be a loser. I will spend no more time on you, moron. Go vote for your "savior", if you can find the rebar to pry your head out of your own a$$.

Happy now, a$$hole? F**k you.

Yes, I am happy! You put on a great show, thanks.

Edit: ... Don't you mean 'crowbar', though?

Double edit: in hindsight, this is extra hilarious as my post is explicitly agreeing with yours, and the argument that I'm lambasting is a counter argument that was presented elsewhere in the thread. Get help buddy.

Last edited by Deemer; 09/10/20 03:58 AM.