Originally Posted by Deemer
Originally Posted by MarcHicks
Glaring design flaws? Citation needed I think, Deemer? 4 hours into the game & I have noticed no issues outside of a few minor graphical glitches. Fact is that instead of providing a rational, well-reasoned argument with suggestions for how to make improvements, the OP instead goes off on a long-winded rant about how he hates the game & has refunded his EA copy (which is a fairly self-defeating tactic, to be honest) after a measley 85 minutes. The fact he is still in the forums, acting as Gate-keeper for all things D&D, only further confirms the OP as an attention seeking troll, with nothing of value to add to the discussion. Being called a "sanctimonious jackass" by an attention seeking troll is actually pretty LOL funny 😆

God, where to start?

- Everyone gets the bonus actions that are normally only available to rogues, and Attacks of Opportunity are now pointless when everyone can disengage essentially for free
- Cantrips create surface effects, so you can cover the battlefield in infinite ice, fire, and acid as a level one wizard
- Every single fight in the game can be cheesed and exploited by any class by abusing hiding, carrying barrels of oil around in their backpacks, and other goofy stuff
- Rogues have been changed to be unable to sneak attack with their offhand, which means you only get one shot per round
- Wizards have been changed to be able to cast spells and attack with their offhand weapon, or cast two spells in a turn, which gives them better innate single-target DPS options than rogues... the quintessential single-target DPS class
- Rogues and fighters are drastically outclassed due to nonsensical balance changes including those above and the only reason they can hold their weight at all is that everyone gets free access to spellcasting through scrolls
- Although I guess that also means that rogues and warriors are technically more powerful than wizards could ever be, since they can cast spells using heavy armor so long as you've got some gold now
- I've run into several instances where basic social checks have taken between 2 and 4(!!!) sequential dice rolls to get the result you should have had to roll for just once. If this happened at a table, I'd start chucking my dice at the GM's face

Anyhow, these things can all be fixed, but the fact that they're in the game at all warrant an endless rattling cacophony of complaints in this forum until they're acknowledged or dealt with.

That's what early access is supposedly for, right?

Most people manage to do it in a rational & adult fashion-the complete opposite of the OP. So my comment still stands.