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Originally Posted by Jharryl
DOS party handling;
DOS combat;
DOS surface interactions.

What else is there to an RPG but the environment, party, party movement and combat? The only thing DnD here, is the setting.

I thoroughly loved BG/BG II. I disliked DOS/DOS II. Bought this expecting BG, got DOS. Refunded via STEAM. You apparently were not convinced of the market viabilitry of DOS III, so you hijacked BG to get your DOS III game out. Shame on you.

As difference between system and setting is covered above I'll focus on the latter. Setting is one of the most important points for any RPG. While DOS games were good mechanically-wise (solid turn-based as opposed to weird rtwp) their setting due to overall immaturity and general comedy style was lacking in seriousness and depths. I managed to finish 2\3 of the first game and yet to play the second one even though I bought 'em both (to support the developer that was moving in the direction I liked). As I said those games are good... but as a roleplayer I want more than simply good gameplay mechanics. I need stylish and deep atmosphere I can dive into and roleplay to my hearts content. I want ROLEPLAYING game, not a turn-based funny wargame.

BG3 has pc drow, githyanki on red dragons smile , some serious drama and grey moral choices with the ability to choose different sides to archive your own goal. Now of course my opinion is biased due to being old DnD player. But that is exactly the point. Any of the multiple DnD settings offers much more content for game creators. It's almost impossible to create a new one from scratch that would surpass years upon years of novels, tabletop modules, fan fiction and immeasurable hours spent on roleplaying in those worlds. Forgotten Realms have an army of fans waiting for a proper turn-based adaptation of their favorite setting. The last more or less adequate one was in Greyhawk setting - "Temple of Elemental Evil", and it was released 17 years ago! And now we have good old FR on modern engine and with great story and character interactions, cheers!

P.S.: DnD5e mechanics in BG3 are implemented almost perfectly.

Last edited by Tao; 14/10/20 02:21 PM.
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Ok. So it seems that the arguments are based on fanboys vs the OG BG crowd and a few miscellaneous others. It seems that on 1 side there are those that claim that this game is fundamentally different from DIVOS mechanics wise.

I call these people insane.

I haven't played the game. I have watched the various gameplay videos on Youtube. The dialogue choices, the atmosphere, the combat all feels like DIVOS.

I wasn't stupid enough to buy this game on EA. That isn't my style. I'm not gonna buy something half finished for full price. I never do. I always wait years afterwards until there's many patches out and there are mods out and then I will consider getting it. I have a bit of a life so cRPGs aren't really that much part of it. Currently, coz I was psycked for the game, as BG1 and 2 were my 2 favourite DnD/cRPG games ever, I am replaying BG1 EE and I am really enjoying it. When I watched my first gameplay reveal however, I was sorely disappointed. I was hoping for a true BG game. This isn't it.

It does look good in some places. The close up dialogue is an improvement to just reading it. The opening cinematic was incredible too. However, the world, yes its after 100 years, doesn't feel like Faerun. Its too bright and shiny. No rain or night time. Again, it's EA so these things can be forgiven.

Still, just from an objective non-biased point of view, this game looks more like DOS than BG. They should've just called it some other title. Then, you have no one complaining.

Anyway, here is to hoping some of the dev team reads this. So this is what you do to fix some of the issues:

1. Offer RTwP as an option. I couldn't care less about advantage or disadvantage or extra bonus action or any crap like that. What I liked about BG series was the fact the computer took care of the bullshit dice rolls. I mean the only reason the dice rolling is palatable in real life is coz half the fun of DnD is hanging out with your friends and DM. Recreating this in the virtual world is the stupidest thing in the world. Have any of you tried to play Talisman the boardgame on the computer? It was so boring. Playing with friends in real life is so much fun. Same concept here.

2. Change 4 characters to 6. Less Characters means you can't use tactics and forced to use certain combinations. In BG1, I have the following party: Me: Fighter/Mage/Thief 2. Khalid/Fighter 3.Minsc Ranger 4.Caron Fighter/Thief 5.Jaheira Druid 6.Dynaheir Mage.

I basically have 2 tanks and 2 assassins that I use to take out mages. 6 characters give me so many options and its really been fun with bigger fights against harder foes. 4 characters is so limited.

3. Change the visual aesthetic to be more like BG1/BG2. You don't have to put the Bhaal symbol but if this game is a true sequel which it has to be if it's related story wise to the Bhaal spawn saga, then change the UI to feel more BG and less DIVOS.

4. Weather. Hopefully they add in weather effects when the game is closer to release.

4 simple things to make the game feel more BG. I mean its already too late for my expectations. This game I blame on WoTC. It seems that nowadays your the bad guy if you don't like something that uses a name to invoke nostalgia but then gives you something different and if you don't like it, then it's your fault eg. sequel trilogy of Star Wars, Ghostbusters etc etc.

Sure, a 20 year old game is exactly that. A 20 year old game. What I wanted from something that called itself Baldur's gate was something that used core gameplay elements from the original series and give us something new that modern tech allows.

Things like using environmental effects. Not this BS oil barrells everywhere krap but for specific encounters. DIVOS mechanic of lighting everything on fire isn't really DnD.

I don't like Turn Based games after pcs got good enough to handle RTwP. In the 90s, a lot of ADnD games were turn based. The combat was tactical but the games looked so archaic, turn based combat seem like it fit lol. Other games like 1st Person games like Eye of the Beholder series were great and then when I discovered BG1, it was the best tactical representation of what DnD was about.

When I got a hold of Temple of Elemental Evil, after the 1st encounter, realizing it was turn based turned me off. I don't know why, but it does. Same with DOSII. I like things chaotic. I find when you plan and things work out in the chaos, I feel more satisfaction.

Sending an invisible mage out to fireball an evil group of adventurers, then backing off, letting the tanks hold a line whilst your casters wait behind for the 2 hidden assassins to engage their mages and try to finish them off with backstabs, then casting magic to assist seems like a simple enough plan. But every plan loses viability after contact with the enemy. That's what the BG series was for me.

A quote from Gladiator. "There was a dream that was Rome. This is not it"

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Location: Ukraine
old hand
old hand
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Location: Ukraine
I'll be brief. I tried playing Divinity Original Sin 2 and didn't like it (+ - 5 hours of gameplay). I tried playing Baldurs Gate 3 and fell in love with this game. The last time it felt like this was when I played Dragon Age Origin 10 years ago, while Baldurs Gate 3 seems much more interesting, with more freedom. And more fits the description of "dark fantasy", it's amazing

I do not care what they took from Divinity Original Sin, the main thing is that I liked this game and the Original Sin is not.
Perhaps it's all about the plot, setting and characters. The atmosphere of the game is different. I want more games like Baldurs Gate 3

Thanks to Larian for Baldurs Gate 3 and the reaction to player feedback
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Like i said before; I'm not married to the rule set. All I want from this game is D&D settings, Monsters, interesting story and fun game play. So far I'm getting it.

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Originally Posted by Garax

1. Offer RTwP as an option. I couldn't care less about advantage or disadvantage or extra bonus action or any crap like that. What I liked about BG series was the fact the computer took care of the bullshit dice rolls. I mean the only reason the dice rolling is palatable in real life is coz half the fun of DnD is hanging out with your friends and DM. Recreating this in the virtual world is the stupidest thing in the world. Have any of you tried to play Talisman the boardgame on the computer? It was so boring. Playing with friends in real life is so much fun. Same concept here.

Is it really so hard to understand, that this is 100% off the table? That isn't a feature you can simply implement whenever you want. it fundamentally changes everything in combat. it's like developing a whole new game.
And not to mention, that this was pretty clearly communicated from the very start, that this game will only be a turn based game.
I am simply baffled how many people ask for this "feature". that isn't a feature. it's another game.

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Originally Posted by mahe4
Originally Posted by Garax

1. Offer RTwP as an option. I couldn't care less about advantage or disadvantage or extra bonus action or any crap like that. What I liked about BG series was the fact the computer took care of the bullshit dice rolls. I mean the only reason the dice rolling is palatable in real life is coz half the fun of DnD is hanging out with your friends and DM. Recreating this in the virtual world is the stupidest thing in the world. Have any of you tried to play Talisman the boardgame on the computer? It was so boring. Playing with friends in real life is so much fun. Same concept here.

Is it really so hard to understand, that this is 100% off the table? That isn't a feature you can simply implement whenever you want. it fundamentally changes everything in combat. it's like developing a whole new game.
And not to mention, that this was pretty clearly communicated from the very start, that this game will only be a turn based game.
I am simply baffled how many people ask for this "feature". that isn't a feature. it's another game.

As explained in the RTwP vs TB -> Many games proved that both of those can coexist within the same title. It's theoretically achievable.
Personally, i feel like RTwP requires a totally different balance compared to TB and as so I see no utility in it's implementation.

The fact remains as they were: It was shown as possible to implement for smaller studios and as so a larger one could do it too.

It's 100% justified to request it for those who prefer it to TB for reasons they listed. And a huge chunk for those reasons make sense. I encourage you to check the TB vs RTwP thread if you want to know the details(It's massive, but the larger posts every now and then explain the problems quite well).

Alt+ left click in the inventory on an item while the camp stash is opened transfers the item there. Make it a reality.
Joined: Jul 2014
Joined: Jul 2014
Originally Posted by virion
Originally Posted by mahe4
Originally Posted by Garax

1. Offer RTwP as an option. I couldn't care less about advantage or disadvantage or extra bonus action or any crap like that. What I liked about BG series was the fact the computer took care of the bullshit dice rolls. I mean the only reason the dice rolling is palatable in real life is coz half the fun of DnD is hanging out with your friends and DM. Recreating this in the virtual world is the stupidest thing in the world. Have any of you tried to play Talisman the boardgame on the computer? It was so boring. Playing with friends in real life is so much fun. Same concept here.

Is it really so hard to understand, that this is 100% off the table? That isn't a feature you can simply implement whenever you want. it fundamentally changes everything in combat. it's like developing a whole new game.
And not to mention, that this was pretty clearly communicated from the very start, that this game will only be a turn based game.
I am simply baffled how many people ask for this "feature". that isn't a feature. it's another game.

As explained in the RTwP vs TB -> Many games proved that both of those can coexist within the same title. It's theoretically achievable.
Personally, i feel like RTwP requires a totally different balance compared to TB and as so I see no utility in it's implementation.

The fact remains as they were: It was shown as possible to implement for smaller studios and as so a larger one could do it too.

It's 100% justified to request it for those who prefer it to TB for reasons they listed. And a huge chunk for those reasons make sense. I encourage you to check the TB vs RTwP thread if you want to know the details(It's massive, but the larger posts every now and then explain the problems quite well).

78 pages as of now? holy cow...
yes it is possible to implement both in a game. but it is easy if the game alrady was rtwp and you want to add turn based.
the other way around isn't that easy.

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As many pointed out, it was pretty obvious that this would be Baldurs Gate: Original Sin 3 when it was announced that Larian is going to do this.

God i hate this company i hope this game fails so hard, seriously.

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Originally Posted by arajaja
As many pointed out, it was pretty obvious that this would be Baldurs Gate: Original Sin 3 when it was announced that Larian is going to do this.

God i hate this company i hope this game fails so hard, seriously.

So bitter. If you don’t want to play it, don’t play it. Why would you wish it fails so everyone else is disappointed?

Joined: Jun 2019
Joined: Jun 2019
Originally Posted by Dagless
Originally Posted by arajaja
As many pointed out, it was pretty obvious that this would be Baldurs Gate: Original Sin 3 when it was announced that Larian is going to do this.

God i hate this company i hope this game fails so hard, seriously.

So bitter. If you don’t want to play it, don’t play it. Why would you wish it fails so everyone else is disappointed?

I already explained, because i hate this company.

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The most UN-baldurs gate things that could of been easily included.

-The world feels...LORE free. Something is off. Are we in Faerun???
-Incredibly small number of playable NPCs. 4 characters gameplay instead of 6. (yea, cause its a SMALL npc lineup lol).
-No passing of time. Its either noon or camp-time. No dusk, no early morning, no night.,... Day/night cycles please for some areas.
-DOS1/2 color palette. Still looks way to bright and colorful.
-Player/group selection. None of that chain/unchain BS.
-Annoying DOS type coloring of rare items. Way too many green/blue/red etc.... a boat load of magical items/scrolls/food/potions EVERYWHERE and super cheap. TOO MUCH JUNK.

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Why do people not see why this was gonna be a problem with a huge number of people? It's like ordering a Big Mac, getting something with chicken in it and then being told it's your fault that you don't like the new Big Mac and that times have changed etc etc.

This thread is called, this game is not Baldur's Gate III but is reskinned Divinity OS II with DnD rules. Some ppl argue that no it's nothing like DOSII, it has 5e rules. The mechanics are completely different. I mean this whole thread is insane. I don't think I've ever fanboyed for anything in my life.
All the upset people are saying is this. This game fundamentally feels, plays and looks like DOSII.

Some ppl say that they tried to play BG1 and didn't like after 20 years of not playing it. That it didn't age well. Well, that is a shame. I am replaying it and though I don't get much of a chance to play with work and my life, I'm having a blast. I still have the original NWN installed with a lot of mods that I use to play online with. Those games are masterpieces.

Larian would've had a success regardless of whether they used the BG IP or not with their DnD game. The DOS series were successes, particularly the DOSII game. The sales of this game prove it. There are many that love this game that have never played the BG series and there are some that love both series and love this game.

Good for them. I don't wish Larian a failure in their endeavour. But, I tell you this Larian. Unless you implement some changes before the product is finished, you risk damage to your reputation from ppl like me that haven't had any interest in these Turn based games.

I never got on any forums to complain about DOSII. It didn't interested me. I bought that game after a friend recommended it to me, played the tutorial, uninstalled it. It's not my cup of tea.

The problem, most of us have is this. Using that name means you have certain expectations you needed to meet. You haven't met any of them. Instead, you used the name to create the same thing you've always created. This is inherently dishonest and extremely disappointing.

Whose fault is this can be argued. Is it truly Larian's or WoTC? Regardless, it has left a sour taste. Enough, that I have created an account on their forums to express my sincere displeasure.

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