The full game will have options anyhow. I'm at level 3 and haven't encountered anything overly difficult so far.
And I played the beginning hours of the game solo, and only have picked up Lae'zel (denied the others at least for the time being).
That means I had fought packs of four bandits alone (haste potion, luring them through a doorway "decorated" with acid).
Soloing so long also means I tried to use the environment in more creative ways, e.g. like this (possible crypth/Chapel spoiler): last combats as pack of two was taking out the 3-4 gnolls near the inn in the Northwest (luring them to the archway of the inn, grease scrolling it). After that we took out the gnoll horde with the help of fire wine barrels (laying a large fire and then climbing the ladder to shoot them from above). main has an AC of 17 though, same for Lae'zel (she basically has the same stats, and build; Fighters with the defensive style).
I'm sure the harder fights are yet to come though. I was able to talk myself out of the Goblin village fight, for instance. As an ado, leveling on this happens way fast in comparison to the originals...