
5e has some flaws but on the whole is an enjoyable rpg experience with plenty of room to expand tactical thinking and investment. Reworking this much open a door to a whole new layer of unbalancing hell. Everithing is fun and games until high tiers ara achieved (11+ char level) and then the amount of complexity can unexpectaly explode (like careless homebrews explode in tabletop). Surface gameplay comes to mind, i wonder how a full party of wizards can melt hordes of everything just by stacking flames and keeping enemies there.
Sure Larian realize we dont have DOS2 armor and skill system anymore, aint that easy to counter surfaces and status effects..

It was mentioned early on that they didn't think people like to miss so they added a bunch of extra rules to improve hit rates or give advantage Elevation bonuses benefit ranged characters, but punishes melee..

they seem to have introduced facing variant, but not flanking variant. Im fine for elevation but not as an advantage, +2 /-2 modifiers to hit within bounded accuracy is well enough (just like archery FS)