Joined: Oct 2020
I'm pretty happy with character creation...I'm somewhat dwarf=obsessed, and that's probably the only characters I'll concentrate on.
Scarring/disfigurement/burns/missing eyes would all be great to fully realise my battle-hardened veteran.
Sizing too...skinny, fat, muscular, tall, etc. A thing I've yet to come across in any game is for example, a one-armed character...If anyone could do it, I reckon it's this game...
Racial-themed armour would also be great.
One thing I really hope we get more of is voice choices, as the ones so far are a bit un-exciting.
I'm confident there's lots more in store for us in choice here...and am enjoying the suggestions made.
Joined: Oct 2020
I don't know if this is going to be popular at all but something I'd really like to see is Tiefling tail options. Including the option to not have a tail similar to how they have an option to not have horns.
Might not be popular, but there it is. I found myself really wanted both of those options while making my characters. I don't think thus far I've read anything confirming the sort.
I would be surprised if there wasn't at least tail options. But I do hope they take it a step further with the option for no tail as well.
Here's hoping!
Joined: Oct 2020
I'd like many more face options and sub-options, if not sliders, and some very different faces for non-human races. Like right now, an elf with a hood could be indistinguishable from a human.
I think what we have now is a pretty bad start. I hope it's a very, very basic version for the beginning of EA.
If I can't make my characters look a certain way, it takes a lot out of the game for me. Especially when we have to see their faces so often. Even throwing in a bunch of the random nobody NPC faces in would help a lot.
Joined: Oct 2020
The number of 150 face presets seems large, but I wonder how many races will eventually be in the game. Out of all of the male presets currently in the game, I only like ONE half-elf preset and the rest are unattractive in my opinion. Most of them (not all, but most of them) look like dull people from the street and I want to make an attractive male character. It makes the most sense to be able to choose different parts of the face, even with the ability to adjust their parameters.
Last edited by ZawiszaTheBlack; 10/10/20 02:13 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Just to add my two cents to this (especially after analytic data  ), there needs to be more diversity in faces and hair. There needs to be more hairstyle options and choices, like (cornrows, afros, buzzcut) and more texture options for hair (curly, coily). As for faces, I can cope with presets over sliders provided there's enough choice. Between the 7 races currently in game (counting drow as elf), there isn't enough options. I know it's early access and it's been stated 150+ faces - but does that exclude NPCs? I understand that the devs are using RL models, mapping everything out, putting those faces into the game and then animating those face (expressions, lip sync). I don't know how costly, difficult or lengthy the process is, but more diversity between models (per race) would be greatly appreciated. [img] https://gyazo.com/5d875e5996c80fd909ee1a0338b0257d[/img]
Joined: Oct 2020
This post SO much.
I love spending hours upon hours on character customization, and what made this worse is the jab Larian sent to the community for the 'Community Created Character' being boring. Truthfully I stick to playing half-elf male/female because they have the prettier presets. The other presets and faces are boring or unappealing to me. If the community is creating something boring it means that we're not being given a wide range of options to explore our created. I would LOVE sliders. I would LOVE more character presets. I want to see varying eye shapes, nose shapes, mouth shapes, and body types. The hair does look amazing, keep it up! Yeah, this - I understand Larian was having a bit of fun, but please actually offer a wide variety of customization options if you want more interesting stuff generated. That face in that community created character is probably one of the better looking presets so of COURSE everyone is gonna use it. We need a lot more options.
Joined: Oct 2020
I would like if they added the option once you chose a preset face that you can make adjustments to nose and jaw and ears etc. You know add a few sliders that would give your character more detail. I kind of liked Dragon's Age Inquisition character creator.
Joined: Oct 2020
i think we all agree on this one
Joined: Oct 2020
im just gonna bump this cause i was trying to make new characters today and the elf face presets in particular are pretty disappointing
Joined: Oct 2020
You pretty much said what I was feeling. I thought about making a thread, but yea seemed like way to much work :P If no sliders are going to make it in game, more , lots more heads please. Also more tattoos and definitely more makeup options.
I love spending hours upon hours on character customization
I agree somewhat. Sometimes I love getting lost in the character creation, but others I have no desire to spend hours upon hours fiddling with sliders, only to find out in the game that my character looks atrocious (I'm looking at you Dragon Age)
Joined: Oct 2020
You pretty much said what I was feeling. I thought about making a thread, but yea seemed like way to much work :P If no sliders are going to make it in game, more , lots more heads please. Also more tattoos and definitely more makeup options.
I love spending hours upon hours on character customization
I agree somewhat. Sometimes I love getting lost in the character creation, but others I have no desire to spend hours upon hours fiddling with sliders, only to find out in the game that my character looks atrocious (I'm looking at you Dragon Age) big on this - luckily this character creator at least matches game pretty well but one thing ffxiv's character creator did right is let you view your character in different areas and climates and lighting. DA's character creator had super unique lighting and shadowing that just looked completely different from the actual game
Joined: Oct 2020
The more i play, the more characters i make, the more im disapointed with the character creation, now i can not even bring myself to make something, tiefling faces are bad, tiefling hairs are lacking, same with gith, male and female, same with dwarves, why some have hair types that other dont? Why most of the human faces are so bland? Why cant Larian make more faces and let them be option across the board?
Btw i way prefer sculpting my character then chosing premade faces, this is kinda sad, very disapointing
Joined: Oct 2020
The more i play, the more characters i make, the more im disapointed with the character creation, now i can not even bring myself to make something, tiefling faces are bad, tiefling hairs are lacking, same with gith, male and female, same with dwarves, why some have hair types that other dont? Why most of the human faces are so bland? Why cant Larian make more faces and let them be option across the board?
Btw i way prefer sculpting my character then chosing premade faces, this is kinda sad, very disapointing As it stands, in it's current form, character creation is limited. Pretty, but limited. I am hoping this is just the start and they add more faces, at the very least. Otherwise we will all have to rely on modders.
Last edited by wistfulgal; 17/10/20 06:29 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Tattoo issues: -not all the colors are created "equally"; i.e. white is pretty much always highly visible, red sometimes cranked to the max is barely visible -more options! Especially more options that are only partial (one side of the face/neck) -Need scalp tattoos for bald characters
Hair issues: Need more hair (head and beard) with things braided into it/jewelry type looks Colors - a lot of the more "alternative" options are too neon. Need some more mellow options for blue/white/green/pink (no, not kidding)
Makeup: Needs to have a lip color option
Horns: Need to have a color option separate from hair or eye color.
Joined: Oct 2020
Joined: Oct 2020
I would like to see options for height and weight as well.
Joined: Oct 2020
I'd love to have some control over the starting armor, especially type, style and color and my starting weapon(s). The possibility of having scars would also be welcome.
Apart from those two things, I'm pretty much ok with the appearance customization but more options can't hurt of course.
Joined: Oct 2020
Yes to all of this. Such a great list. Something I've noticed in my second playthough is that the more familiar I've become with the options in the character creator the more I notice that almost all the NPCs also use the faces available in CC. With so few face options available and no sliders it's a bit irritating to encounter an NPC that has your exact face. More preset options with sliders would help make everyone look much, much more unique.
Joined: Oct 2020
And don't forget about the wheelchair option!
Joined: Oct 2020
+1 please go crazy on scars and beard stuff, i would really like to make a one eyed rastabearded dwarf