I've had the same experience. Shadowheart hinted at the possibility of romance but that I'd been too against her, which was kinda weird because I'd been playing in line with her approval throughout the game so far, but I guess it was just a matter of not having met her approval requirement. Shadowheart didn't hint at anything at all, Gale expressed interest as did Asterion and I think Wyll did but I can't quite remember. So it all felt kinda rushed and awkward, especially since I had only rested at camp about three or four times up to that point so there hadn't been a lot of interaction between us yet.
I wish I had rested three or four times. There have been some dicey combat situations in my playthrough so far. I agree it definitely feels rushed and awkward, I hate to do comparisons between two VASTLY different games but in games like Dragon Age and Mass Effect you don't ever reach the climax or romance until the very end. So maybe our minds are hard wired by other RPG's to expect a longer relationship development. Maybe there are plans that we're unaware of that will make sense as the game continues to be developed.