Please don't read this if you haven't gotten to the camp party.
So I hope that Larian will inject more finesse into the dialogue and our companions. While it was flattering that everyone at camp now wanted to bang me, it also comes out of no where. No one showed any interest in me previously, but now all of of a sudden everyone wants to get into my pants? I would like more conversations, more flirting to occur before this point. If I or they have shown an interest previously (that wasn't shot down), then this camp dialogue would make more sense, but as is, damn near everyone dIdn't really care for me or have even insulted how I looked. It doesn't make sense that their opinion goes from that to, "Hey, let's get it on tonight!"
Additionally, I'd like everyone to not be a creeper and automatically know who I've decided to spend the night with, and then judge me for it.