I just need help. I just started the game and am at level 2. I failed the charisma check to "peak" into the room Curtius guards and now I can't progress in the game anymore, he got pissed off and started attacking me. Running away didn't help. Now if I get near the entrance he blows a bugle and THE ENTIRE TOWN ATTACKS ME, EVEN THE OXEN. I can't win the battle. I tried letting 1 character at a time get killed but he summons the town to kill me with any character (I only have 2) and even when I resurrected my first character from a safe distance he IMMEDIATELY started the fight again against the resurrected character.

This is pathetic. I literally bricked this entire save just because I failed a charisma check? What the heck is going on here? I can't even go anywhere to grind levels so I can just slaughter everyone and be done with it, Curtius is Level 6 and I'm only level 2.

I wanted to enjoy this game that everyone seems to love but this is ridiculous. I feel like I just set $30 on fire. I cannot stand re-doing a bunch of stuff because of bad game design, I just cannot get into the mood to even play this game anymore if it's this easy to brick a save and destroy all your progress.