Joined: Oct 2020
Windows, Steam Edition
The quest "Save Mayrina" is bugged out for me. After lowering her from the cage, she does not talk with me, and the dialogue seems bugged. I click on her, and no conversation ensues. She doesn't move or anything, and no matter which party member tries to talk with her, nothing happens. Upon leaving the cave and restarting the game, she is still there and still unable to begin dialogue. If a dev sees this, the game is amazing so far and I can't wait to see it all polished up!
Joined: Oct 2020
I ran into the same issue my friend you are not alone
Joined: Oct 2020
Seems the only way to finish this quest when you get this bug is to kill her and take her locket. Other people on other forums have said walking into the cage triggers the hag fight - but all it did for me was drop a character through and kill them.
Joined: Oct 2020
Yep this happened to me, too. I lowered Mayrina and she walks out of the cage but I can't talk to her and going into the hag's room does nothing because it's completely empty. Not sure what to do at this point.
Edit: I'm wondering if the reason why this got hosed is because I
1) went straight through the fireplace and didn't get entangled with the bloodthirsty goblin dudes 3) figured out that the door was fake without putting on one of her masks 2) snuck past all the thralled people with masks on and didn't engage with them either
Maybe if I hadn't tried to be sneaky and followed the script it would have worked? I don't know....
Last edited by Ariannel; 09/10/20 04:15 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I think I completely bypassed the script - Astarion killed Auntie Ethel in two hits with Wyvern poison, and I'd already killed her little fey sheep. This early in the game wyvern poison is a real nuke, good thing I've only found two of them. Fortunately I didn't encounter any real "bugs" per se, but Ethel's body ended up teleporting down to the room with the cage. I did manage to speak with Mayrina, and she acted is though I'd killed Ethel right in front of her. I thought I wouldn't be able to complete the quest (because I told the brothers "good luck" to avoid making my party mad) but I ended up finishing this section when I found the wand and used it.
[this space intentionally left blank]
Joined: Oct 2020
just posted same question for this, was really confused since I also followed script (no chance to kill ethel, ran away)
Joined: Oct 2020
i killed her in the house with some good rolls and clever item usage but it did kinda screw the game up a bit, cant finish the quest to save her even though i used the wand and everything.
Joined: Jul 2014
Same for me. After my first confusion, i looked for a guide, to know, what i'm missing. but it seems that a fight should trigger in front of mayrina, but it never triggered for me.
Joined: Oct 2020
Yep this happened to me, too. I lowered Mayrina and she walks out of the cage but I can't talk to her and going into the hag's room does nothing because it's completely empty. Not sure what to do at this point.
Edit: I'm wondering if the reason why this got hosed is because I
1) went straight through the fireplace and didn't get entangled with the bloodthirsty goblin dudes 3) figured out that the door was fake without putting on one of her masks 2) snuck past all the thralled people with masks on and didn't engage with them either
Maybe if I hadn't tried to be sneaky and followed the script it would have worked? I don't know.... I followed the same steps (except I killed all the masked guards) and got the same result. (Mayrina is bugged and can't be interacted with)
Joined: Oct 2020
I fought the masked thralls never used the mask but can't trigger Ethel fight either. Mayrina in the cage yells at the Hag and tells me to bash her head in but no Hag to be found.
Joined: Oct 2020
Another Person with the same bug. Ran from the Redcaps, but did a chunk of Damage to Ethel first. Ran through the fireplace and down the stairs after her. Fought the confused mask wearers, then ran through the gas taking the least damaging path (and eating food to regen). Entering into cave, no Ethel, and talked to Mayrine in the cage (spouting lines about killing the hag. I couldn't bring myself to kill May though, so had Wyll pickpocket the quest item instead. not sure if that will count as complete, but can't be doing with redoing the entire thing.
Joined: Oct 2020
Hello here! I'm in your party guys. Fought redcaps before meeting witch, went through door without wearing masks, passed behind masked buddies. And that bug happened.
Joined: Oct 2020
That's so interesting, I never even heard that dialogue. I fought the redcaps, went inside, went through the door WITH the masks, killed the masked folks, and Mayrina does nothing.
Joined: Mar 2020
i killed the hag upstairs before she ran away, but i had to realod a bit, and in one of the attempts i noticed she disappeared and i thought i would give a try and i smacked some aoe "area of effect damage" around , surprise the old lady was invisible  and i got just the right spot, so i took her out of invis and finished her,then killed ot the redcaps then i went downstairs long story with saving masked people but in the bottom i saw Marry in the cage and hags body was laying there too ... maybe teleported?? maybe i wasnt supposed to be able to kill her upstairs , who knows , i released Marry and looted everything when i went out of the cave she was there by the body of her husband and i had option to say that i can resurrect her husband, she said do it, and i did and then they both went the f. out of there, and i decided for just this one time i will let the undead walk away ))
Joined: Oct 2020
Same bug here. I passed the initial perception check in swamp, so I never even saw the red caps as sheep, but I just left them alone when they baa'd at me. Got to the hut and when I insisted on talking about Mayrina the fight triggered. Ethel immediately went behind the fireplace and disappeared. I killed all the Red caps, went through the fireplace, went through the door without wearing the masks, killed all the mask wearers, and when I reached the cage room the bug happened. I never even really had any combat with Ethel. She changed, fled downstairs, and I never saw her again.
Joined: Oct 2020
Same bug here. I killed the redcaps, Gale saw through the fake door so didn't need the mask, killed the masked people then reached the cage room. When Mayrina is in the cage before it is lowered she is telling me to leave etc but as soon as it is lowered she stops talking. Can't start the conversation with her and the Hag never appears.
Joined: Oct 2020
The hag is invisible in the room with Mayrina. It seems she doesn't initiate combat. you can find her with Faerie Fire or other invisibility seeing effect. Otherwise, yo can try to hit her with area of effect spells to break the invisibility. She won't fight back, but if you kill her you can then finish the quest with Mayrina. https://imgur.com/gallery/maTWucu
Joined: Oct 2020
yeah, same thing happened to me, hag's lair was my favourite place in the game, bummer the final fight bugged out (also there is an arcane barrier outside the teleporter on the swamp?? by connor's grave) hope they fix it soon
Last edited by Shield; 10/10/20 01:22 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I have tested this for 6 hours.
The only way I have been able to trigger the regular fight with the hag, Is if I have let her have my or one of my party members eyes! This will trigger a cutscene just as you enter her "gallery"? the place with the wooden door, screaming person, cauldron and mirrors. I tried for ages making it work in different ways, but no..
Also when she reaches 10hp and gets her turn, she will negotiate for her life, and offer an ability point. I guess this is also broken, you just receive a clump of hair, you also receive a clump of hair when leaving the lair using the teleporter. Neither gives any ability points.. Did she just fool me? I guess it's meant to actually give an ability point, cause when you exit the lair using the teleporter, a placeholder "mission accomplished" pops up, and you get to choose from 6 rewards, I'm guessing 1 for each ability score type.
Joined: Oct 2020
+1 Actually Aunt Ethel just disappeared to me so I get no fight and I can free Mayrina from the cage but I'm unable to speak to her.
Loaded many saves, teleported around and went to camp and back from outside and nope Aunt Ethel went to limbo for me.
Last edited by HeavensBells; 10/10/20 07:08 PM.