Originally Posted by porrage

It sounds like you just don't want to play a game based on 5e. This argument is like playing Halo 3 and saying "Can you take out all the stuff that makes it Halo 3 and make it more like Call of Duty Black Ops?"

I feel like the game you want already exists. It's called Divinity Original Sin 2.

If I'm honest, yeah, I don't much care for 5e. Faithfully adapting it to a video game would create a dreadfully boring product, and fortunately Larian has explicitly said they're willing to make adjustments in the interest of making a good game. I skimmed the thread and saw all the "+1 more tabletop" replies and wanted to provide a divergent opinion, lest Larian think everyone playing the game cares a lot about fidelity to rules designed for a completely different format.

Originally Posted by CamKitty

So ask for DoS 3. That is not a Baldur's Gate game

Hi Larian please shelf all the work you did on BG3 and instead make D:OS3 tia

Last edited by clanpot; 10/10/20 09:11 PM.