Originally Posted by Zress
The whole romance thing is just out of the blue. You are in a party talking to someone you barely know, and suddenly from nowhere they tell you "if you weren't so bad to me maybe I would've allowed you to be with me tonight"... what is this? I don't even know you guys? why every single companion suddenly need to tell me how they will or won't have sex with me? and if they don't like me why be so passive aggressive and tell me how I missed the chance to sleep with them? people don't talk like this, it's weird.

I agree with this. I had all the companions wishing to bone down with my player character and being put out when I chose someone else, and it was so jarring based on their cagey and distant dispositions that they had displayed throughout so far, that it threw me out of the game. The only one I could see doing this regardless of approval ratings is Astarion because it feels like seduction is how he usually got things done in the past. I feel like Lae'zhal and Shadowheart should be complaining about even having a party in the first place.

The whole "talking to all these people, who are virtually strangers and who have treated me as a stranger or acquaintance at best, about who I'm having sex with tonight" is extremely awkward and should be reconsidered.