The thing is...combat in DOS2 is fun, combat in BG3 right now is frustrating and kind of boring (1 action, 1 meeeeh bonus, move).
PnP D&D works because of the human element (DM). So Larian need to spice things up. Add some unique mechanic to counterbalance that cold, by the numbers computer DM. Maybe a DM bar/button which fills up as you battle (maybe because of too many critical misses, bad rolls, being slaughtered etc....), giving you bonuses or extra fun light rule braking abilities..."as the goblin lunges towards you for the killing blow, he slips on comrades corpses blood and impales himself..." kind of stuff. Basically a D100 of fun "larian touch" effects that can happen wink

Last edited by mr_planescapist; 11/10/20 10:25 PM.