Originally Posted by Dortalin
I think the game/Larian needs to figure out if it wants to give DnD5e a serious chance (with some adaptations/changes where necessary) and make what they promised in most of the advertisements. Or if they want to make another Divinity game. The weird hybrid is not working for me at all. I am sure both could be good games - I know I won't enjoy it if they choose the Divinity path, but many others will. And I'm sure some won't enjoy it if they choose the DnD5e path, but then many others will. The hybrid seems to just make most of the people from both sides of that "divide" annoyed.

Agreed... yes, D&D combat can be tedious, much less so in 5e then in earlier editions (looking at you, 3.5), but - especially in early levels and with certain clases - it can be kinda dull. Good thing, though, it's quick - at least it should be - and it's getting much more engaging in later levels. The infinity engine games had a similar "issue", but since they where real time with pause, the fights where over much quicker in the early game... and I think that where Larian has to get to. Find a way to speed up the flow of turn based combat. It's possible! For instance: Automatically end turns when characters have exhausted all their actions, shorten animations. drop some of the eloborate fireworks, hide enemy movements when they aren't in line of sight of the characters, there are many options.

Don't just go: "Yea, we know it's dull, but look, splosions!"

Last edited by WarBaby2; 11/10/20 10:56 PM.