Originally Posted by Pupito
Originally Posted by SpookyCleric
I don't see how it's any different mechanically, as it is as far as I'm aware, pretty much exactly the same as 5e so far. I know the spells, actions, and strategies that work it's just against the encounters where they've got often 3 times the hit points there's only so far that will go.

I'm not sure what you mean by 'play it like it's DOS or DOS2', as it's neither of those games, and I can only be expected to use the game mechanics presented to me. The game should still be playable to people who've not played DOS or DnD, although there'd obviously be a steeper learning curve for those people. This could easily be solved by lowering the level of the enemies to make them more in line with the party.

What he means is that while it should play like D&D, it doesn't. In fact, a lot of the 5e rules have been changed by Larian for no real reason other than they wanted to make another Divinity game that would lure in more people. This plays almost entirely like Divinity, except with some dice rolls in conversations thrown in. As for you trying to fight the skeletons in the ruins at level 1, why are you still level 1? By the time you beat the goblins in front of the Druid's Grove, you should be level 2 at the least, that fight actually bumped my party up to level 3. Have you been leveling up your party members?

I sincearly hope that's a joke lol, no I've got 418 xp and require another 1382xp to reach level 2... are you on the easiest difficulty? even still, I'm only on classic which was described as 'normal difficulty', but I've no idea how you'd get anywhere close to level 3 that quickly...