Originally Posted by Freddold
I don't have any problem with the original fans. I'm just sick of seeing a thousand things a day about how they hate anything that's changed from the originals (obviously a minority). I only played a bit of BG1 back in the day. I think I was a bit young. I played a bunch of Neverwinter Nights (mostly the level editor lol). Personally I think you couldn't make a modern game like the original BGs and have it be as good but that's just personal (For instance Pillars of Eternity didn't really do it for me, which I think is a spiritual successor). I agree that maybe the problem is just the '3'. It's actually essentially a soft reboot, which (again personally) I think is a good thing.

Yeah but you have to see it from their (well, mine actually) point of vue. If another studio made a Divinity Original Sin 3 game in the future with no surface interactions and real time strategy with active pause, I guess most of the fans of the franchise would say it doesn't belong in the DOS franchise, and they would be right. When OG BG fans complain about the game not feeling like a Baldur's Gate game right now, it has little to do with the quality of development. Larian were the one deciding to go with a massively beloved franchise and a hardcore fanbase. Expecting Larian to get a free pass in this situation just because they did well on their own franchise is whishful thinking. Some people are displeased for legitimate reasons, and if you don't understand them it's not necessarily their fault.
That being said, I didn't see many people outside of Steam being rude or dismissive, and I feel like everyone agrees that the foundation is solid, but it needs a few major shifts in philosophy to get back on the Baldur's Gate way.