Just change a few spells, remove the tons of surface arrows/potions ennemies have during EVERY combat and change a little bit surfaces containers and it will be fine.
There are too many surfaces again in the game.
That's fun if you have them in several combats and if you have powerfull items... But if everyone is on fire or acid on every combat it's not a cool bonus mecanics... It's a huge part of the gameplay. And it shouldn't be such a huge part of the gameplay in a BG/D&D games according to me.
I will get EA this week, lol... but until then, when you say too many surfaces, do you mean the acid and oil are already there or do you break something, enemy spawns something. etc...
I have little issue if enemies have flasks of oils or acid which leave a surface effect when thrown (or spat, excreted, etc...), or if just for testing purposes (though I hope Larian declare as such), but I agree that I would prefer not to have so many surfaces "pre-primed" for
engaging combat. Choice is good though.
As from what I have seen of the blood spills, yeah that has to be WiP surely?!! It looks like a placeholder effect and I agree it is way over the top unless I get to decapitate someone or rip their entrails out.