Originally Posted by WarBaby2
While I agree in general, I have a bit of problem with this...
Originally Posted by Freddold
-OG Baldur's Gate nostalgia-boys
-5e purists

...yea, well, when you call a game Buldur's Gate 3, that's the people you'll get too, and honestly, I would also listen to them, and not slapping a vaguely negative label on them and dismissing their imput. That's exactly the behavior people on the Steam forums are also fond of. wink

Originally Posted by WarBaby2
Originally Posted by Zress
Originally Posted by Gabriel AT

Frankly, I don't see that... yes, I am critical of what the game is right now, and I never really liked the Divinity games that much, but I DO see some Baldur's Gate ideas in there already. I think the name could very well fit the game in few months time, if Larian can get over themselves and tone their particular brand of crazy a bit down, ground the game a bit more in the world and IP, and bring the presentation closer to what the BG games had.

A new Bladur's Gate game doesn't have to be an infinity engine 2.0 affair like the POE series was, or a clunky Pathfinder slog like Kingmaker... it can be more snappy and modern, while still keeping the BG look, feel and heart.

Originally Posted by Faulkner
Originally Posted by Freddold

Yeah but you have to see it from their (well, mine actually) point of vue. If another studio made a Divinity Original Sin 3 game in the future with no surface interactions and real time strategy with active pause, I guess most of the fans of the franchise would say it doesn't belong in the DOS franchise, and they would be right. When OG BG fans complain about the game not feeling like a Baldur's Gate game right now, it has little to do with the quality of development. Larian were the one deciding to go with a massively beloved franchise and a hardcore fanbase. Expecting Larian to get a free pass in this situation just because they did well on their own franchise is whishful thinking. Some people are displeased for legitimate reasons, and if you don't understand them it's not necessarily their fault.
That being said, I didn't see many people outside of Steam being rude or dismissive, and I feel like everyone agrees that the foundation is solid, but it needs a few major shifts in philosophy to get back on the Baldur's Gate way.

All of this. It's not unreasonable of BG fans to expect they'll feel at home in a game called "Baldur's Gate 3". BG3 feeling like a BG game is a valid concern. By calling it that, Larian made a promise, which hopefully will be fulfilled in the final game.