Originally Posted by Xemeron

Now we go to D&D. Spells are limited here, everything you do takes spellslots and you only have one action per turn. Suddendly that burning floor becomes way harder to deal with than it was in DOS; because not only does your Wizard have to spend his Action on casting Create Water, but also use one of his valuable Spellslots to do so. That Goblin who just threw Alchemie Fire and set the Oil Barrel on fire had used its Action to deal alot of Damage AND basically stun your Wizard this turn, because he had to waste his action now.

The premise is that a wizard must dispel the fire to be useful and that is false.

You can just take the damage and inflict damage instead and have someone else use Rally or give you a source of temporary HP.

Better yet, why don't you learn that HP is just a resource (cue MTG sayings) like everything else and not care about the fire (and even in death you only pay 200g).

So far in the EA, it's perfectly fine and gives a wizard something to do and consider beyond just spamming cantrips thoughtlessly.