Originally Posted by jonn
+1 to this

Seems to me like a lot of people just want to play the game the same way they've played others in the past, rather than put the effort in to learn a new system

This isn't the case for me. I love D&D and the OS games individually. Played lots of both on the scale of thousands of hours for D&D with groups of 2 up to 10 people and hundreds of hours for OS. I legitimately think it's a superior way to play D&D type games. The concerns over "playing safe" vs. "trying out novelty builds" are true in CRPGs and TT because of how the rules are structured. Plus, you can take on larger risks with a larger party so you can have more grandiose events. Match that with act 1 which is definitely reaching for scale in terms of enemies and that I don't want to have to just stick to the classics in terms of party comp and build. Interesting choices need some buffer to make suboptimal ones. You exhaust the psychological safety of doing that when the rules punish you harshly for losing a single ally.

Last edited by SacredWitness; 12/10/20 06:41 PM.