Originally Posted by jonn
Originally Posted by rhielm
Originally Posted by Tuco
Originally Posted by rhielm
This game is designed around a party of 4 players, and that is fine. To change it to 6 would require the developers to start over on a huge amount of design work.

I wish people could stop to make up shit as armchair developers to legitimate their bias.

This sounds like a case of the Pot calling the Kettle Black. You're accusing me of "armchair developing" while second guessing their decision to go with a party of 4 in the first place, and telling me how easy it would be to change it to 6. You don't know that. I'm sure they have very good reasons for choosing a 4-person party in their engine, and their story. And since we don't know their development process, we have no right to second guess their decision on this. On top of that, I would actually prefer a 6-person party, so don't go accusing me of making this point to "legitimate my bias". Because I'm looking past my personal bias to understand that I don't know the development process, so I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt that they know what they're doing. That's why I'm saying "stick with 4". To demand to the developers they change their game design to a 6 person party simply because we feel like it, and because BG1 & BG2 had a 6-person party is entitled, and selfish. Larian has proven that they know what their doing in this genre. It's their game, it's their art. Not ours. Let them create their game and their art in their own way. Judge a game for what it is, not for what it isn't.

+1 to this

Seems to me like a lot of people just want to play the game the same way they've played others in the past, rather than put the effort in to learn a new system

Point is plenty of people learned new system just fine,in DOS game. But this is Baldurs Gate, DOS players should not have a problem to learn a new system right ?