Everyone, and all conditions, because the game's AC system was not designed around a -2 AC status effect on a cantrip which makes permanent puddles of -2 AC acid on the ground. Hope that helps!
That's blatantly false because your first move isn't going to be to use acid under many conditions, same goes for ray of frost, etc. Nor will it often be your second or third action. Nor is party of four wizards only using cantrips going to be a superior composition over every other combination - EA or not. So, the answer is no it's not overpowered. You can argue that it is strong, but when you take a look at action economy and actual game play you won't be using those cantrips in first order of priority.
You are an idiot. This is not a hypothetical, hyperbolic exaggeration. It is how the system is literally working right now.
Dipping weapons in fire requires being next to a fire source, which is not always available. Poison is a consumable resource.
Yes, higher levels the extra effects mean less. But low levels are what we have. There are no level 20 adventurers in BG3. Don't talk about them, they're irrelevant. There's a reason why most D&D games around the tabletop don't drench players in Alchemist's Fire at level 2.
You're literally the person who made a comparison of a physical fighter not being able to match a cantrip as an example of cantrips being overpowered -- you are the one who said that, in the current version of the game, a fighter is WEAKER than a cantrip. That's how stupid you are.
Dipping weapons in a fire source is fucking freely available if you actually play the game, it's called a candle, and can be freely dropped and lit.
And, again, pay in mind that all of this is a direct response to you saying that cantrips out scale physical damage dealers. Yes, you are that stupid to make the comparison.
The reason I even brought up the level 20 example is a complete aside on what methods low level creatures have to resort to be able to handle higher level parties. Those goblins are basically fodder as soon as you reach level 3 and having them armed with alchemists fire or using environmental abilities gives them parity with the party, otherwise you could start just inflating their stats (which they already have) or adding more numbers (which grinds combat down even more). It's actually balanced.
But yeah, feel free to say stupid shit like this:
Meanwhile those characters using physical weapons are dealing 1d6 or 1d8. It's completely unbalanced.
Yup. Clearly the apex of everyone else not using cantrips is 1d6 or 1d8 per action.
The only real argument you have here is that maybe ray of frost is a bit too strong with its ability to prone an opponent.