this is what i did ingame. Ingame is even easier, since your rogue (astarion) has an auto hit attack in his pockets wich also heals him. So not giving up DPR if you need to heal. also you get easy access to a misty step item and an invisibility item and an improved move speed item. With trick dash + dash + move + jump in one round he can easily cross like 3-4 monitor widths in a single turn if he needs to reposition and he never has issues with blocked line of fire.
Its really busted, he easily outdamages my selfmade fighter by a landslide. And he is not even magical weapons since for some reason i did not get my hands on magical shortswords or daggers. dunno why that is. he just runs 2 basic short swords.
that all fine, but again its not about numbers, dpr, math etc
it all about game and location design, like example goblins ambush in the village at the beginning, good luck to make these attacks(you math) by rogue. ranger simple can it solo with bow, or take Op spider and dont even will sweat