Sadly, Scunthorpe comes from the Old Norse and means the homestead of Skuma. Oh well.

To add to the point about English accents; as a resident of this sceptred isle, this precious stone set in a silver sea (to slightly mangle Shakespeare), it is a welcome change from the West Coast US accents that seem to prevail in CRPGs, largely, one suspects, because of the convenience of using local voice actors.

I know that fantasy games are not set in the real-world and thus accents are somewhat meaningless, but in a game with a Western European Medieval setting (i.e. most of the FRPGs out there), having a pseudo-Medieval character talk like some California college cheerleader and use phrases such as 'gee whiz' is intensely immersion-breaking. BG and BG2 were guilty of this to an extent, who can forget the horrors of Imoen, 'Do ya wanna tell me a story 'bout trollops an' plug tails? Please?' <shudder>.

Please game developers, use Irish (not US cod-Irish for pity's sake), English, Scottish, Dutch, German, even (dare I say it wink ) French accents. There are also vast regions of central Europe with accents that would mesh with a Medieval-style setting.

American accents just don't sound right unless you perhaps restrict them to certain races.