Joined: Oct 2017
Tav McBlanderson feels overshadowed by the extreme uniqueness of those around her. Mind, I mostly love the companions. But who made Tav the football coach of first-string when my character still seems confused about the rules? (Maybe this metaphor doesn't work. I know nothing of football.)
It's not like my Tav is charismatic, or more powerful then the companions are. It's not even like they owe Tav for bringing down the ship or saving them--the first time I played, the cutscene of bringing down the Nautalin triggered with Lae'zel instead of my PC. Which was fine but . . . well, I guess my character really doesn't matter, does she?
In other games--there's a reason companions follow you, even if that reason is simply "I'm indecisive and power makes me squeamish" (see: DAO Alistair). Or, like in the original Baldur's Gate, the reason was that Charname was Gorion's ward. But I have no idea WHY all these characters with interesting backstories and special glowy hands and magical ex-girlfriends are willing to blindly follow and trust my custom character. It's not like Tav did anything special (outside my personal backstory for her, which she can't talk about). So why is the "Blade of the Frontiers" willing to be benched in the camp of an absolute nobody?
Letting Tav show some personality--backbone, wisdom, drive, whatever--would probably go a long way to making me feel more like she belongs in the world.
In another thread, I suggested letting us choose a few prewritten "memories" in character creation--small sidestories to give some depth to our character, and that could be brought up in dialogue. (What are some of your most vivid memories? Optional answer for warlocks: "Selling my soul by mistake after too many beers"). These could be mixed and matched to at least make Tav feel real? Or ignored, if you don't mind playing a "blank slate".
Because right now, the tadpole has more personality than my character.
Last edited by wildelight; 13/10/20 06:31 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Funny you should ask. I just listened to a podcast with an interview with Swen, and that came up. https://www.usgamer.net/articles/ax...-on-baldurs-gate-3s-early-access-releaseSkip to 26:15 for the start of Swen's interview, but the pertinent question is at 33:30. Swen claims that the backstory for the custom character has as much depth as that of any Origin character. At 36:00 he says that the "Who do you dream of" character is a pretty important character, key to the custom character. Man... This got me a bit worried. I'm gonna discover my own characters story while playing and I don't know it although it supposedly happened to me? They need to be pretty damn careful how they go about this or it could really f up a lot of peoples characters... As to what the OP says... I dunno man. I generally prefer to have a fairly clean slate character. Baldur's Gate 1 is one of my all time favorite RPG's and that is mostly due to the great structure and freedom of play it gives. The ONLY thing I don't like is the very set up of us being a kid, LITERALLY a kid regardless of how we make our characters in the creator that let's you pick portraits for old men etc... I mean obviously we are a bhaalspawn and that could have been perfectly well conveyed without making us kids barely of age. Really limiting. BG2 start is a hundred times worse with setting up a whole GOOD friggin canonical party for the first game... And even though there is relative freedom in the city it never felt like a wonderful open world like the first game did. Probably why I never finished the second game... I think BG3 sets up a pretty good starting point with pretty much any type of character being viable... Although the dialogue options available in early access still aren't quite varied enough for my taste...
Last edited by YelloB; 13/10/20 06:35 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Let's just compare what you know about the context and your character in comparison to what other highly rated games did : Baldurs Gate 2 : you get all the context to understand your character story (not personality, as you can be whoever you want and feel as free as ever) within 3 minutes of perfectly described context and lore exposure. Plus, it sets the tone perfectly ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnC_EjbE2ks) Icewind Dale (1 and 2) : you get exposure, lore, and purpose. Everything in a few minutes. You already know you're going to have an epic adventure, and you're going to change the world around you ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHsrMkanL_o / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvP-oYzPJP4&t=87s) Mass effect : you can choose some backstory and get some context as soon as you start. You're already feeling as Shepard and more importantly as YOUR Shepard just seconds after starting the game ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyC5lbzZcG4) Could say the same about Dragon Age or such games too. We must get more context about what's going on in the world around us and how we fit in it.
Joined: Jun 2020
Why does any character custom or another follow another.
Why would Shadowheart follow La'eazel?
Astorian follow Blade of frontiers?
Gale follow Shadowheart? (okay it's cause of her eyes.)
As far as any of them know they are all a bunch of nobodies with delusions of grander, as far as they know the other is just a cranky as Gith that may or may not really have a tadpole in their mind (after all gith have psionics), or maybe they are working with the Illithid for when they (the others) turn, they have someone they can trust right next to them. or take them to the Elder Brain.
It's not back stories, it's not quirks of voice, or having quests specific to you that makes people follow you. More often then not it's the fact that your there, your making decisions they don't want to, or you have more of a plan then they do, one they can agree to. Not everyone wants to go to the Creche, not everyone wants to use the druids, some want to use the cambion. Yet they are following Taz McBladerson (sorry stole the name) because Taz is doing something, he's trying, he's making decisions that the others aren't sure of so hell let him take the blame, and if it works out all the better. If not they can bitch about it, and they do.
Joined: May 2019
Funny you should ask. I just listened to a podcast with an interview with Swen, and that came up. https://www.usgamer.net/articles/ax...-on-baldurs-gate-3s-early-access-releaseSkip to 26:15 for the start of Swen's interview, but the pertinent question is at 33:30. Swen claims that the backstory for the custom character has as much depth as that of any Origin character. At 36:00 he says that the "Who do you dream of" character is a pretty important character, key to the custom character. I've been trying to find any interviews since the EA release but have not found any yet. So this was immediately interesting to me. Unfortunately, it's a podcast, and as such does not come with CC and my hearing disability doesn't allow me to follow what's being said. Is there anything more you (or someone from Larian) could add on what Swen says?
Joined: Oct 2020
I personally love that my character has a blank slate past, with nothing more than an origin to select in character creation. This leaves me open to come up with whatever backstory I want, enhancing my role-playing experience. I don't care how good The Witcher is, I'm not interested because I don't want to be forced to play a pre-made character like Geralt. Let me make my own character and decide my own story.
Joined: Mar 2020
Funny you should ask. I just listened to a podcast with an interview with Swen, and that came up. https://www.usgamer.net/articles/ax...-on-baldurs-gate-3s-early-access-releaseSkip to 26:15 for the start of Swen's interview, but the pertinent question is at 33:30. Swen claims that the backstory for the custom character has as much depth as that of any Origin character. At 36:00 he says that the "Who do you dream of" character is a pretty important character, key to the custom character. I've been trying to find any interviews since the EA release but have not found any yet. So this was immediately interesting to me. Unfortunately, it's a podcast, and as such does not come with CC and my hearing disability doesn't allow me to follow what's being said. Is there anything more you (or someone from Larian) could add on what Swen says? There's not much said and what was said pretty unsatisfying. 1) the "who do you dream about" character will play a big role 2) you will understand why your character is so unique when you play one of the origin characters. Frankly, I didn't understand what he was saying with point #2.
Joined: Oct 2017
Yet they are following Taz McBladerson (sorry stole the name) because Taz is doing something, he's trying, he's making decisions that the others aren't sure of so hell let him take the blame, and if it works out all the better. If not they can bitch about it, and they do. You're the second person to steal Tav McBlanderson's name, which I bestow freely. If that becomes a thing, and it's the only thing I ever accomplish in life, I would still die feeling fulfilled. (Full name: Blanky Tav McBlanderson). I see what you're saying, although I suspect that if you play as Shadowheart or Lae'zel, you may lose out on the other as a companion, much like the pushback already faced with Shadowheart and a custom gith. But I still can't get over the feeling that custom characters are just . . . there. It's fine if they're actually a bartender at the blushing mermaid who got swooped up by Mind Flayers. I adore underdog stories. But why is Tav McBlanderson the only, well, normal person? Every other companion's backstory is grandiose and unique (to comedic levels, despite my adoration of BG3's cast), that it feels highly unlikely that my character, no matter how cool she may be in my head with her backstory, is the one that these interesting people will point to and declare "leader!" Potentially unique traits are hidden under generic one-size-fits all dialogues which I do, to some extent, understand given voice acting. But as an elder one warlock, I also seriously wanted to tell Wyll, "Oh, so you made a deal with a cambion? Let me introduce you to my patron, Cousin of Cthulu." Which is nothing more than class flavor, but would still give the illusion that Tav is in same way qualified to lead. If for no reason than her ife decisions are by far the worst. Because you don't have to play as a decisive leader in BG3 (which I appreciate). You can play as a clueless chaos child who constantly changes her mind about things at the last minute, and yet Lae'zel will still wait patiently at your camp for you to decide whether or not to ever find the creche. I would just like to see the game mechanic justified by some spark of personality or backstory or anything in my character. As it stands now, I can only assume that Tav's tadpole is actually Lord of All Tadpoles, and that the companions are being brainwashed into following her.
Last edited by wildelight; 13/10/20 09:50 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I personally love that my character has a blank slate past, with nothing more than an origin to select in character creation. This leaves me open to come up with whatever backstory I want, enhancing my role-playing experience. I don't care how good The Witcher is, I'm not interested because I don't want to be forced to play a pre-made character like Geralt. Let me make my own character and decide my own story. I agree, I think the way to go its just to add a lot of dialogue options with our background's tag to reflect our choice. Play The witcher tough, its great 
Necromancy is just recycling...
Joined: Jun 2020
Yet they are following Taz McBladerson (sorry stole the name) because Taz is doing something, he's trying, he's making decisions that the others aren't sure of so hell let him take the blame, and if it works out all the better. If not they can bitch about it, and they do. You're the second person to steal Tav McBlanderson's name, which I bestow freely. If that becomes a thing, and it's the only thing I ever accomplish in life, I would still die feeling fulfilled. (Full name: Blanky Tav McBlanderson). I see what you're saying, although I suspect that if you play as Shadowheart or Lae'zel, you may lose out on the other as a companion, much like the pushback already faced with Shadowheart and a custom gith. But I still can't get over the feeling that custom characters are just . . . there. It's fine if they're actually a bartender at the blushing mermaid who got swooped up by Mind Flayers. I adore underdog stories. But why is Tav McBlanderson the only, well, normal person? Every other companion's backstory is grandiose and unique (to comedic levels, despite my adoration of BG3's cast), that it feels highly unlikely that my character, no matter how cool she may be in my head with her backstory, is the one that these interesting people will point to and declare "leader!" Potentially unique traits are hidden under generic one-size-fits all dialogues which I do, to some extent, understand given voice acting. But as an elder one warlock, I also seriously wanted to tell Wyll, "Oh, so you made a deal with a cambion? Let me introduce you to my patron, Cousin of Cthulu." Which is nothing more than class flavor, but would still give the illusion that Tav is in same way qualified to lead. If for no reason than her ife decisions are by far the worst. Because you don't have to play as a decisive leader in BG3 (which I appreciate). You can play as a clueless chaos child who constantly changes her mind about things at the last minute, and yet Lae'zel will still wait patiently at your camp for you to decide whether or not to ever find the creche. I would just like to see the game mechanic justified by some spark of personality or backstory or anything in my character. As it stands now, I can only assume that Tav's tadpole is actually Lord of All Tadpoles, and that the companions are being brainwashed into following her. Your just the parties fall girl, simple as that. Their hoping you fail so they can take command, yet a small part of them is hoping you succeed. I mean look at Drizzt's crew why was Regis even in the first series about the companions?? he did pretty much nothing his one claim to fame was a magic ruby he snagged from someone. and yet people loved him, mind you they are currently locked up in a mental rehabilition center but still. (j/k) and at times he did step up to take the lead... very far and few, but he still did it and they followed...
Joined: Oct 2020
I personally love that my character has a blank slate past, with nothing more than an origin to select in character creation. This leaves me open to come up with whatever backstory I want, enhancing my role-playing experience. I don't care how good The Witcher is, I'm not interested because I don't want to be forced to play a pre-made character like Geralt. Let me make my own character and decide my own story. Oddly enough you totally nailed why I don't play it either. And never was tempted by Mass Effect or any similar "play THIS character" type of game. Lots of the fun is creating/exploring my new character (or depending, my reincarnation of an older one).
Joined: May 2019
Funny you should ask. I just listened to a podcast with an interview with Swen, and that came up. https://www.usgamer.net/articles/ax...-on-baldurs-gate-3s-early-access-releaseSkip to 26:15 for the start of Swen's interview, but the pertinent question is at 33:30. Swen claims that the backstory for the custom character has as much depth as that of any Origin character. At 36:00 he says that the "Who do you dream of" character is a pretty important character, key to the custom character. I've been trying to find any interviews since the EA release but have not found any yet. So this was immediately interesting to me. Unfortunately, it's a podcast, and as such does not come with CC and my hearing disability doesn't allow me to follow what's being said. Is there anything more you (or someone from Larian) could add on what Swen says? There's not much said and what was said pretty unsatisfying. 1) the "who do you dream about" character will play a big role 2) you will understand why your character is so unique when you play one of the origin characters. Frankly, I didn't understand what he was saying with point #2. Thanks. And you're right, that is very unsatisfying, especially since #2 directly flies in the face of the point of the question - which is why are custom PCs not as satisfying to play as origin PCs?
Joined: Oct 2020
I think there's a big difference between a blank slate character that you can influence to act the way that you envision and a blank slate character that acts like an animatronic sex doll without a soul... Having a fully voiced character that is incapable of being role played how you want (like in Fallout 4) is also bad in an RPG. IMO.
Joined: Oct 2020
..An issue i have is that the main char ..fails at even being a blank slate, lol. If i roleplay as an intimidating criminal warlock drow, the way my character emotes and reacts in cutscenes (the constant surprise and squeamishness at seeing even the tinniest/most pg acts of violence) doesn't exacly reflect the character i created. There's even a conversation you can have with Wyll if you ask him why he's not afraid of you, a drow, to which he says 'i bet there's a smile under that scowl'.. and it would maybe make sense if my character wasn't constantly smiling when talking to him, or any other companion for that matter.
But more to the point, i don't quite understand why 'the person who you dream of' is considered such a unique trait of our Custom char. If you talk to Shadowheart you learn that she.. basically has the same dream as you..so? Unless of course 'dream person' is a legit NPC we get to interact with outside of dreamworld... and only exists if we play as Custom char.
Obviously it's only act 1 of EA ..but still..
Joined: Jun 2020
..An issue i have is that the main char ..fails at even being a blank slate, lol. If i roleplay as an intimidating criminal warlock drow, the way my character emotes and reacts in cutscenes (the constant surprise and squeamishness at seeing even the tinniest/most pg acts of violence) doesn't exacly reflect the character i created. There's even a conversation you can have with Wyll if you ask him why he's not afraid of you, a drow, to which he says 'i bet there's a smile under that scowl'.. and it would maybe make sense if my character wasn't constantly smiling when talking to him, or any other companion for that matter.
But more to the point, i don't quite understand why 'the person who you dream of' is considered such a unique trait of our Custom char. If you talk to Shadowheart you learn that she.. basically has the same dream as you..so? Unless of course 'dream person' is a legit NPC we get to interact with outside of dreamworld... and only exists if we play as Custom char.
Obviously it's only act 1 of EA ..but still.. yeah sadly not much you can do with the cutscenes to reflect every persons character. Faced with turning into a mindflayer Wyl smiles, and laughs. Has personal issues, secrets, dark and dreary Wyl smiles. sees a horde of goblins rushing to slaughter everyone will smiles and calls out 'I'm the Blade of the Frontier!' Talks about trip through hell smiles, and talks of enjoying it him believing there is a smile under a drow's scowl. One that seems legit for him. 2. there is a smile under the drows scowl and he'll see it when she grows tired of him talking. Would he smile when she rips out his tongue. probably because thats his defense mechanism light heartedness, playfulness, seeing the sunshine and rainbows. So for Wyl to say it no matter the truth behind it is perfectly natural to his character.
Joined: Oct 2020
To quote the post I made about what I'd want from a Baldur's Gate 3:
"The first two Baldur's Gate games centre around “Charname”, the games protagonist character. Charname is kind of a big deal. And because of this, as a player you always felt this was your adventure, your story. Whilst I don't think it's possible, or even wise to try and continue the story of the Bhaalspawn. I'm still wanting Larian to provide a story with the same weight, the same personal feel that the first two games had. (Good luck with that!)"
I really think they need to let the player character and who they are be one of, if not the main driving force behind the story. I don't just want to be along for the ride, I want to -be- part the ride!
Sadly, the new companions make the player character seem insanely boring and bland. As much as I loved say Minsc or Edwin, I never felt that they were overshadowing my Charname, they complimented and enhanced. The game gives you the choice of 5 different "charnames". In live, you can play the story characters or play as El-Generico.
Joined: May 2019
But more to the point, i don't quite understand why 'the person who you dream of' is considered such a unique trait of our Custom char. If you talk to Shadowheart you learn that she.. basically has the same dream as you..so? Unless of course 'dream person' is a legit NPC we get to interact with outside of dreamworld... and only exists if we play as Custom char. But isn't even this something that happens only if you choose to use your tadpole? As such, does anyone know how this works (if at all) if you choose never to use your tadpole?
Joined: Oct 2020
But more to the point, i don't quite understand why 'the person who you dream of' is considered such a unique trait of our Custom char. If you talk to Shadowheart you learn that she.. basically has the same dream as you..so? Unless of course 'dream person' is a legit NPC we get to interact with outside of dreamworld... and only exists if we play as Custom char. But isn't even this something that happens only if you choose to use your tadpole? As such, does anyone know how this works (if at all) if you choose never to use your tadpole? You get no 'dream person' cutscenes if you don't use tadpole powers.
Joined: May 2019
But more to the point, i don't quite understand why 'the person who you dream of' is considered such a unique trait of our Custom char. If you talk to Shadowheart you learn that she.. basically has the same dream as you..so? Unless of course 'dream person' is a legit NPC we get to interact with outside of dreamworld... and only exists if we play as Custom char. But isn't even this something that happens only if you choose to use your tadpole? As such, does anyone know how this works (if at all) if you choose never to use your tadpole? You get no 'dream person' cutscenes if you don't use tadpole powers. That's what I thought. Thanks for confirming. So then for a person like me who, from a role-playing stand-point will never ever even consider using the tadpole (because I play very strictly only good-aligned), the whole point of a custom PC being lame stands.
Last edited by kanisatha; 15/10/20 01:02 AM.
Joined: Nov 2020
I agree with the people who says that playing a custom character should offer as much content as an origin character. So custom character should have and story arc, quests and custom dialogs like the origins.
right now, it seems, they are working hard on the origin stories, while not doing the same on the custom ones. After all, the dream person an scenes would probably happen anyway if you play an origin character. So it is not an special story arc for custom characters, just the main plot.
And neither can we imagine a PC story and play as that PC because the choices and dialog options we are offered are bland and more limited than the ones open to origin characters. For exaple, if you play a wizard with the dame intelligence (or more) than Gale, you can't even tell him to stop explaining things you already know and being so condescending. You can't compete with him to be the clever one. You are shoehorned into playing dumb so Gale seems "clever". Similar things happen with the other origin NPC's. The way they are writen, your MC can't really answer back. You are never allowed to have the last word. And sometimes, you can't even have a word. So the solution to "just imagine a background and personality" begs the question, why play then? why not just write a fanfic or an original story?
While resources are limited, they promised that playing a custom character would be as rewarding as playing an origin character. So if they won't offer a personal story arc and oportunities to, basicaly, get the uper hand on the companions, they are failing.
Example: with the goblins you can throw the shit to the face. Or you can force them to kiss your feet. It is writen that way, because you are agains an NPC. And, basically, the writer can imagine that dialog with you playing one of their origin charaters. since they want origin characters to shine, they allow to have the uper hand. Now compare with conversations with the origin characters. Why can't you answer back to Shadow heart? All of them can be snarky with you, and at no point would you have a chance to tell them "I am benching you because you keep insulting me". Or because you are unable to work with the team, etc. In a real pen and paper game, you could say that. So no, the "blank slate" remain blank in game because custom characters aren't really considered as an equaly valid choice. Otherwise, we would already have that.
And yes, conversations with the companions, could be used to talk about your own past and personality so you can define your custom character better. If not by choosing a backstory, by offering broader choices and having reactions about them in the short and long term. Choices only offered to the custom characters, because those are the ones that need to be defined by said choices.