I would like to see a party of 5 (It's what I DM in table top for the last few years either Pathfinder or 5E) I wanted to play a Ranger and I didn't want to be shoehorned into taking disable device and pick locks, but with a Party of 4 I would need a Cleric, Rogue, my Ranger and a fighter, so no magic in a party of 4, with a party of 5 I could bring the Wizard, Warlock or whatever magic class is available. Every DM runs their games differently some run with 4 others 6 to 8 people, I've been in larger party's at GENCON with the right DM running the game everyone can have fun, smaller groups are fun and intense and also potential for early level party wipes, especially since clerics are the least liked class to run among players.