After going through the forum I took my favorite suggestions and added them below. I also referenced the D7D 5e Players Hand Book (PHB) and Dungeon Master’s Guide (DMG) where applicable. I have been a D&D player and DM for years, I love CRPG, especially Larian’s work.

* Party size. Lots of people asking for 6 character parties. This is probably my biggest wish!!!

* Reactions: Many spells and abilities use a characters reaction besides attacks of opportunity. These abilities need at minimum a pop up window or similar to give the player a chance to use the character’s reaction. The Battle master’s Riposte Maneuver quickly eats up a fighter’s limited superiority dice when auto use is set or never has a chance to use ability.

* Cantrips shouldn't cause surface effects unless the surface can happen from it's basic effects (firebolt on grease/web, ray of frost on water/blood). Creating surface effects from nothing is what higher level spells do.

* Improved demarcation of class abilities - eg. scrolls only being usable by classes the spell list appears on, including Wizards only learning spells from their list; make disengage and hide an Action so that Rogue's Cunning Action feature feels significant

* Separate jump from disengage - jump is part of movement, disengage is an action before movement.

* Don't give everyone the ability to disengage/hide as a bonus action. I don't know if rogues get anything to make up for this loss but so far this just seems to just make them feel weaker as a result.

* Find a way to integrate sneak attack into the main/regular attack if possible. So then it can trigger on bonus action attacks and the like.

* Targeting via clicking on portraits.

* Allowing other party members to step in for the dialogue.

* Scar options in character creator would be nice.

* Longbows, shortbows, and crossbows all having the same range doesn't make sense. Longbows and crossbows should have a longer range than shortbows. Additionally many melee items can be thrown.

* Rogues are missing expertise! Rogues are supposed to be very reliable with skills outside of combat, hence their extra proficiencies and able to select some to have double the bonus.

* Ready action: Characters should be able to use their action / bonus action and reaction to set up an attack, spell or other thing to do when a certain condition is met (enemy appears, moves, etc.)

* Rolling a 1 is only an automatic failure on attack rolls, not skill checks.

* Using the 'Highlight' function should also highlight containers and basically everything that is clickable

* Party control. Movement doesn't need better AI, it needs a root and branch rethink. It's better than DOS but I'm still walking into traps and falling off cliffs. Lots of people asking for this.

* Please don't de-clutter the world or reduce the number of scrolls -- Larian got this one right. Loving the loot lust, glad my level 2 wizard always has something to do. Would like to see the numerous empty containers filled with items of mundane nature.

* Make it easy to change appearance

* Hide the helmet!

* Need non-combat XP. This is not something that would be nice; it is downright critical if you want people to use their imagination and try different things. This can be found on page 261 of the DMG.

* Short rests: The short rest mechanic is flawed. A short rest is based on the number of hit dice a character has available. This can be found on page 186 of the PHB.

* Backgrounds should be story-impactful, not only mechanical.

* Shove should be an attack action, not a bonus action. Other feats/ect can turn it into a bonus action.

* All Death Saving Throws for PC's should be rolled manually. Force the game into turn-based mode for the dying character and all nearby characters if a character is making death saves during exploration or other non-combat situations.

* Add in the Variant Human for the +2 to two ability scores of your choice, and a bonus skill proficiency, and Feat feature 

* Keys: Please make a keychain to store all the keys in.

* Starting equipment: Would be awesome to be able to choose the starting equipment for our creating our character. Also, it makes no sense to me to exit the mind flayer pod being armed, we should just pick the stuff off the ground close by or in a corpse. Some of the starting gear seems "too nice looking". I get that Lae'zel is a Githyanki Warrior and Shadowheart a Cleric of Shar, but they were abducted onto an enemy ship and thrust into a situation. As prisoners, should they have this great looking gear? I understand the need for their "Signature Look" but consider more out of story context.

* If an NPC is wearing/wielding something, drop it upon death. It makes no sense for e.g. killing an armour wearing, great axe wielding gnoll for him to drop a bone.

* Companions that are not in the party (i.e. staying in the camp) should not approve/disapprove of anything.

* Evil is not retarded stupid evil: Simply accepting a quest, regardless of my deeper motivations, should not cause companions to disapprove of the choice. What if I'm only taking on the quest in order to get the magical artifact and then murder the quest giver to keep the artifact and the reward? It's dumb.

* Give an option for verbose description of items/spells.

* Lockpicking: Lockpicking something should show a dice roll instead of a divinity progress bar.

* Long-rest: The current implementation is immersions breaking and feels very forced. If it was meant for the purpose of companions speaking with you, they can do it during travel or when clicking long-rest. For instance when you are neck-deep inside the goblin lair completely surrounded by enemies it makes no sense to rest. The system for resting in the originals was perfect... Some places you could rest, others not so much. If you attempted to rest in a potentially dangerous place you had to accept that risk. This made resource management when exploring dungeons something to keep in mind as poor management of these resources could very easily get you killed. In BG3 it's free, exempt of any risk or consequence and can be done anywhere (including the dumbest of places). Additionally when you do rest doing more things while resting like, preparing spells, learning spells, crafting, sharpening blades (small temp buff?), cooking food, keeping watch, hiding the camp, hunting for food, carousing, researching, training, etc. Downtime activities can be found on page 187 of the PHB. A system similar to the Pathfinder Kingmaker camping mechanics would be inspired.

* Great Weapon Master (GWM): Please please stick to the 5e rules and make it optional to use. GWM's efficiency is always dependent on the characters to-hit modifier and the enemies AC. Especially in early levels a forced -5 on hit is really hurting. This can be found on page 167 of the PHB.

* Amount of Spells/Grenades on Enemies is way too high. If every enemy mob can either AOE my party or use spells then the current amount of enemies per encounter is just way too high

* Please let Companions automatically jump when the currently controlled character jumps because it is tedious to do this 4 times and sometimes the AI will let the other companions walk to the spot where you jumped if there is a way to walk there

* Improve the pathfinding on the maps. If there is a clear path to a door and I click the door I do not want to be greeted with the "You can only reach this spot using Jump" message

*  Add some kind of appendix/log book to consolidate all documents once read.

* Puzzle speed. Wasn't sure what to put this under. The moon puzzle is extremely tedious. I LIKE the puzzle. I do not like how long it takes each wheel to spin. I know it's stone. Consider speeding it up slightly.

* Letting the player cast spells at higher levels by right clicking the icon on the hotbar, rather than needing multiple instances of the icon on their hotbar.

* Passive Checks: passive checks create a minimum value a character can roll. A players Passive skill is 8+Proficiency+Ability Modifier. The most common passive check in D&D 5e is perception, A player with a +2 wisdom modifier, a +2 proficiency would have a passive perception of 12. Thus automatically succeed any perception skill check of DC 12 and below. This is on page 175 of PHB.

* When a fight breaks out the hidden characters have FREE ROAM to move however they want and I can literally just sit on my turn until I have them setup perfectly. The solution to this is that the entire party should be forced into a turn based mode within a bigger combat vicinity to better represent the stretched out seconds in combat. Since combat sequences in DnD are stretched where one turn is 6 seconds. Maybe have a sound queue or just able to hear attacks and actions being made as you get closer to indicate when separate party members are nearing the combat radius to force turn based mode.

* Skills with Different Abilities: Skills do not have to be directly tied to abilities in all cases. For example, Intimidation is generally tied to charisma, but a good DM will often allow characters to use other abilities. So Intimation Strength would be appropriate in some situations for some characters. I.E. if a hulking barbarian uses a display of strength to intimidate an NPC. This is on Page 175 of the PHB.

* Food and Water: While I don’t want to turn the game into a survival game, food and water are a big part of adventuring in D&D. Going without causes Exhaustion which is very detrimental condition. This can be found on Page 185 of the PHB.

* Flanking and Facing: Flanking and Facing are optional rules found in the DMG. These rules add depth to combat by granting advantage on attacks. This can be found on page 251 and 252 of the DMG.

* Cover: Please add a cover mechanic. The 5e rules for cover can be found on page 196 of the PHB.

* Please add the Dodge action. The 5e rules for the Dodge action can be found on page 192 of the PHB.