Originally Posted by Emulate
Purists are the reason this game sucks right now I hope larian listens to very few of them, odd you're complaining about insignificant things and not the complete lack of fog of war and exploring though walls with your bugged out camera. Odd how the purists seem to be the most casual out of the bunch. You're advocating a boring soulless game that lacks any sort of depth even close to DO2 be some how more boring broken and bugged.... HARD PASSS. There is so much potential for this game right now literially DECIMATED to the point I wouldn't even give this game a 6.5/10 rating right now sidelined trying to implement a system that taken at full purist value does not work AT ALL!

Larian needs to make this game the best game it can be, THEN let the handful of purists mod the game back to its boring broken buggy and incoherent rendition of 5e not the other way around, it doesn't translate and likely never will I promise you that, it does not make for good game play in this engine anyways.

How would you know that it doesn't make for good game play in this engine when we haven't ever seen it in this engine? Since day 1 of EA this game has not played like D&D 5e it has played like DOS2, complete with total rewrites of how some spells/cantrips/abilities work and even tossing in completely made up abilities for monsters that just makes it even more clunky. Right now Gnolls get 3 attacks per turn, plus a bite attack as a bonus action it seems. How is 4 attacks per turn, which is enough to KO and be well on the way to full out killing a character, good for the gameplay? All it does is add frustration as a pack of Gnolls that should be somewhat easy for your party to deal with are suddenly turned into Super Gnolls who have been shooting up on steroids apparently.

The game has thrown out how so much of this should work in 5e just to make it play like a Divinity game, which is stupid. I bought this expecting to play a Dungeons and Dragons 5e game, as that's how it was marketed and sold. Instead they just disguised Divinity Original Sin 3 as a Baldur's Gate game and lied to us. You would be pretty pissed off if you bought DOS3 and then it played like D&D 5e, and it's the same thing on the reverse.