Pure DnD does translate rather well into video games, with minor (!) adjustments, it always has:
in the 'golden box' AD&D computer games of the 80s and 90s
in BG1, BG2,
Neverwinter Nights 1+2

And 5E works just as well as a computer game, again with *minor* adjustments. Leave spells out where it makes sense. Simplify them were it makes sense. But don't wildly add stuff all over the place that throws all sense of balance out the window. Because then I'd be playing a DOS game. And make no mistake, I happen to love DOS and DOS, as the highly volatile brand of tactical RPG they are. But BG3 is supposed to be a different game, with a different approach - based on DnD 5E. Saying that would make a game "soulless" is basically claiming 5E is soulless - you're entitled to that opinion of course.

Finally, my sense of 'depth' in an RPG comes from story, writing, dialogues - and I don't see BG3 lacking at all here.