OP, I don't know why you stole my name or why you chose to be an imposter, but I'll try to offer my perspective.

Larian seems to have adhered to the 5e rules too closely in many cases. It's as if they've never played a game of D&D in their life and they learned it all from the rule books, or maybe WOTC just forced them to. To top it off, 5th edition apparently dumbs down a lot of things, so if you're looking for in-depth character customizations it's not the greatest IMO. Whatever the case may be, Larian chose to make a video game based on D&D 5e rules and called Baldur's Gate 3, and they're the ones I paid, so I expect them to make good decisions and deliver an enjoyable product. Anything to do with WOTC, 5e rules being that way, or whatever is irrelevant to me. 5th edition rules could say that a jump is a bonus action and every dialogue requires a skill check and I'd say Larian should know to get rid of garbage like that that won't translate well to a PC game and won't be enjoyable.

I feel like this game came so close to bridging the gap between 2D Baldur's Gate and 3D gaming, similar to what NWN tried to do. However it's not quite there and I don't think it ever will be. Not due to a lack of technical skill, but rather due to a lack of understanding, bad design decisions, and too much re-use of Divinity assets & mechanics. It'll probably be a good game when it's finished, but it's not going to be for everyone.