Originally Posted by WarBaby2
Originally Posted by clavis
*yawn, cracks open eye* another one..... bloody purists spreading their hate mongering, pointing fingers, what we need is a circle of trust, maybe a tree of 'this is not DOS' 'Black isle is gone so you'll never get another BG game like BG1, or BG2. So we now switched to monster stat blocks.... bloody fascists... sooo monster stats, and CR in 5e what to say.. what to say shots already been fired, on both sides.

A tiny bespeckled gnome, with a wild mop of frizzy grey hair dons his monkey suit, holds up The Almighty 5e core rulebook. 'Ahem, Ahem. does it not stipulate in the rule books that they are general guides? I do believe they do, also it has been stated by WoTC on several medias that they are so. That it is up to the DM in this case Larian Studios who is currently leasing the rights, and respective licenses to D&D 5e to adjust the rules as they see necassary, or as the feel there is something lacking to convey the story they wish to tell. Furthermore as is standard for such contracts WoTC has the right to revoke said contract if they feel their system is being abused, one would feel that in the case of this redundant, oft brought up arguement, that if WoTC who is without a doubt closely watching (if not actively involved) many of the updates, and also getting reports, checking progress etc feels that larian studios the current leaser of aforementioned licenses, and rights. Note leased, not bought, feels that Larian is breeching the contract by creating another DOS game under the false pretense of using 5e rules, that they would immediatly revoke said leases, and seek a new game developer to produce BG3."

*adjust his tiny round spectacles* "Oh my, oh dear where was I, oh yes rules, legal actions, my word the notion of using purist as an insult how barbariac, completely uncivilized. Oh yes goblins, filthy nasty things. I would have to sadly agree with this vile heretical purist that every goblin would not be carrying such things about, in truth this is do to the fact they breed far faster then rabbits, and die just as quickly. Vile things that they are, yet if they are backed by other forces as seems to be the case. Armed by drow, and powerful cleric, even a demigod or some such nonsense then I can see where they would be better equipped then your standard run of the mill goblin. Dear I really shouldn't say this, the very thought is unconcievable, attrocious, ridiculous that with this strange creature aiding them, their even is a chance that their are smart goblins... Oh dear I need a drink, I feel faint." *wipes sweat from his brow, looking rather pale, and unnerved even.*

"Furthermore I conclude that according to the Law of 5e, that this is indeed a D&D campaign DM'd by the hive mind at of Larian, subclan of Studio, for which Swen is the active ruler. That the changes within this video Campaign, are to add affects, to adjust for the descrepencies inherient in going from Quill and Parchment, to the gnomish inventions called PC's, were in things need to be adjusted where High Paladin Swen cannot actively control the game, as those in Quill and Parchment also labeled as DM can. As from my notes this is still an Early Access and High Paladin Swen and his hive mind has stated that they are seeking a balance, seeking things that don't seem to be working, or needs to be changed, obliterated, smashed, crushed!!" *rage suffixes the tiny gnome his voice booming out as he vehenmently pounds the Tome of 5e at the last words, before looking rather emberrassed.* "Oh dear sorry I had a moment, just one second. Oh hencefore I politely ask the herd to refrain from accusations based on assumptions about a as of yet unfinished work, and to simply stop the this is DoS comments. Instead focus on what you feel is wrong, after all that is why we I do so hope why we got the game. To make it better, to offer our insight, and suggestions. Well unless your trolls, tadpoles, orges, orcs, or the aforementioned sheep. Yes Yes I'm done here." *scurries off his podium, the Holy book of 5e clutched firmly under his arm.*

Cute... and I can't beileve I'm about to say this - as one of the rule bendiest (yes, that's a word!) DMs my group has ever known, and bane of all the rule sticklers... especially in Pathfinder - but: Rules are only "general guidelines" if I know them and are able to implement them well, THEN I can think about bending and breaking them, otherwise it's just good, old fashioned arbitrariness. So, bottom line, and as far as video games are concerned: First do a solid port/adaption, then you can go and joke around!

thanks lol. My brain went to gnome with someones Rule Lawyer comment. safer you don't ask. The thing you being a DM, and rule bender will probably have noticed is having to playtest the bends, or breaks from the normal rules. This is simpler when you play with the same group, repeatedly. They tend to have a certain style/flavor/archtype that they play for the most part across all classes. The smash everything, the useless in combat, the supremely focused, the talker, the choatic etc, so your able to contemplate which rules need to be changed, what you can adapt in your campaigns to fit their playstyles. If they don't have a particular archtype it's harder, and this is with a small group of players, who may very well be knowledgeable about the rules as are you. From some random subtopic I've seen there are 1 million players in EA, or at least they've sold 1 million copies what ever. Can you imagine hosting a game where 1 million people are your players, some brand new, others die hards, min/maxers, all about me'ers etc. Trying to balance, and fine tune for even half that many at once is mind boggling. Yet Larain is trying that, as did BG1, and BG2 which didn't have the sheer number of difficulties do to fact they were probably a cult classic, and nowhere near as many bought them. (assumption not based on fact)

As for stat blocks how many times have you as a DM raised or lowered hp, added something to a monster to give your players a challenge, or had to lower stats to aid them. Or even add in more health potions cause that supposedly easy fight based on cr was way harder then it should have been. This again is with a small, probably knowledgeable group, and you were right there to do it on the fly. On a video game with thousands/millions of players, where the DM can't be there to adjust on the fly, they need to find what works for the majority. What keeps the majority challenged, and interested.