Originally Posted by Vezin117
I agree. I do not understand why they would not first stick with the basics of D&D 5e, then slowly change the game to make it play "better".

Anyone saying "5e does not translate well" is fooling themselves. They have not played BG3 as a full 5e game. It's been altered already before the core 5e rules were even tried.

DM present able to adjust things on the fly, being loot (specially made for what the characters are using) amount of health potions, amount of gold, switching campaign from diplomatic towards heavy fighting depending on likes dislikes of players. Creating personal story lines for a small group of players that can work with you at table, or over phone. Adjusting balance of fights, or test difficulties based upon the stats of small party to offer a challenge, but not to over whelm players. Adding lore on the fly as it becomes necassary, or whim of pc at table. Personally knowing likes and disliikes of your players at table. Being able to adjust story depending upon actions, or inactions of players within moments of them going off script. Recieving immediate feedback from players at table about what is working, or not working at table.

having to think about all this to give unknown number and skill level of thousands of players, while taking into consideration what the majority of unknown players, with unknown numbers will like, dislike based upon statistics before able to release a demo to recieve feedback from untold number of players, with unknown and widely varying degrees of skill.

yeah so translates well from pnp, to video game.

I can literally go on all night and day about the difference of being with your players at a table. Vs. having to take into consideration before hand what a far larger majority of people you've never met, nor played with, and can't get direct personal feedback is.

Last edited by clavis; 14/10/20 12:08 AM.